VisualAge(R) for Java(TM) for Windows(R) Version 3.5 Professional Edition Patch 2 Readme Prerequisites -------------- - VisualAge for Java Version 3.5 Professional Edition - Patch 2 supercedes Patch 1 and can be installed on its  own or over Patch 1 - You will need 50 MB of temp space while the patch is installing. i.e. the drive where your %TEMP% environment varible points to - You may need an additional 75MB of free space on the drive where VisualAge for Java was installed. If you are experiencing the workspace growth problem (see #43, 44, 46 below) you may need less than this. Pre-Installation Instructions ----------------------------- 1. Before installing Patch 2 you need to version all your projects Problems Addressed by Patch 1 ============================= APAR JR15078 ------------ 1. The IDE exiting abruptly when accessing the AS/400 using the "Enterprise Toolkit for AS/400" feature 2. "Java program not responding" messages when using the Visual Composition Editor 3. Versioning or releasing a large number of resources takes too long 4. Poor performance when reading a large local resource index 5. Trouble finding editions of project resources containing directories Problems Addressed by Patch 2 (which includes Patch 1 above) ============================================================ APAR JR15196 ------------ IDE 1. Use of -breakbutton command line option does not always work 2. Creating resource folder 3 or more levels deep, hangs with 3.5 Patch 1 3. Resource indexes should be cached in certain cases 4. GPF when running many threads 5. Resource ownership does not work 6. Uncaught exceptions occurs giving java.lang.internalError 7. Solutions are not updated correctly when multiple projects are added simultaneously 8. IDE hangs with "Java Program Not Responding" 9. Exporting a class sometimes causes system program exception 10. IDE workspace corruption when removing Data Access Beans feature 11. Serialization mismatch exception with the client in IDE and server outside the IDE 12. Error when checking Immutable classes 13. Errors running RMIC. (RMIC does not generate some files correctly) 14. IDE hangs when debugging a breakpoint inside a Singletons constructor 15. IDE exits abrubtly when creating a File Object with a path over 260 characters 16. IDE hangs with CPU usage at 100% 17. When trying to open a class in the VCE, the error "Java program not responding" occurs 18. Walkback when deleting Solutions 19. Unable to release resource files when folder is 3 or more levels deep 20. Variables declared "final" within inner classes are incorrectly flagged as errors 21. Cannot release project resource folders on a remote repository 22. Cannot create a directory with leading path separator through native EM primitive 23. Options window disappears when scrolling sample code 24. No variables are shown within the debugger if any variables are used only within unreachable code 25. Frequent appearance of "Dr. Watson" 26. Errors when releasing resources files 27. "An exception occurred in a system program" occurs when importing a class containing a variable with name "CLASSNAME" 28. Cannot load 'Java class libraries' after changing ORB 29. Walkback in resource management when loading a newer version of a solution 30. LFCOM Export exception error when exporting classes to Tomcat 31. User is not notified of an error when deleting a type 32. When closing the Options window exception appears in log 33. IDE hangs when opening the Options window after font size change 34. Not all classes in a package are exported. 35. Walkback in ImageBuilder due to missing local class 36. Source view fixes: - Source view inconsistent with workbench view - Export fails with saved class due to comment parsing problems - Comments parsed incorrectly with class source view - Saving type with only one field in source view adds extra white space before final "}" - Source importing should not filter text - Export Corruption Bug - Changing code on Source view wipes out VCE meta data - Exporting to java file corrupts class structure - VisualAge for Java 3.5 export to jar fails or skips classes - Cannot export to jar 37. "An exception occurred in a system program" occurs when opening VCE 38. GPF from JNI function GetArrayElements allocation failure 39. GPF from Windows threading problem 40. Cannot release editted resource files 41. Finalize problem causes GPF 42. Walkback in imagebuilder when saving type definition 43. Workspace growth problem 44. Workspace growth problem during startup 45. Failure recompiling local class defined in field initializer 46. Workspace growth - doing ejb development 47. Walkback due to null pointer 48. Walkback deleting class files 49. Walkback in options dialog 50. IMAGE CORRUPTION with a walkback when reloading and an invalid operation on callback 51. Cannot export resources when connected to Unix EMSRV 52. IDE hang opening the Options dialog 53. Walkback opening the Options dialog 54. Extraneous resource messages when rebuilding workspace 55. Resources not imported properly from external repository (.dat file) 56. Walkback when saving a new interface method 57. Nested solutions mode needs to be disabled 58. Cannot input Korean text in the Project/Package Comments pane 59. IDE disappears running multiple instances of Java2DemoApplet 60. IDE exits abruptly replacing class versions 61. Can't version resources on AIX repository 62. Windows 98 - Crash in VisualAge for Java 3.5 Korean version (Enterprise Edition) 63. Can't release a resource to a project 64. Windows 2000 - Exporting to a jar file has classes missing IDE Notes ---------- Third Party Orb development --------------------------- If you use VisualAge for Java V3.5 with an ORB from a third party ORB vendor,  then please consult the "Technical Articles" section within VisualAge Developer Domain for a white paper on the subject. As described in the above paper, certain Java Class Library classes are designed to be replaced during the import of a third party ORB. Patch 2 fixes a bug that erroneously allowed the importation of immutable classes residing  in mutable packages. With Patch 2 applied, you may see new or additional  warnings in the log during the import of a third party ORB, since the IDE  will no longer allow the importation of immutable classes. These additional  warnings are "working as designed" and may be ignored. Serialization Issues -------------------- One of the fixes affects serialization ( #11 above). If your class has static initializers and is serialized then this fix may affect you. You will need to re-serialize your classes if after applying patch2 you see serialziation errors.     External Version Control ------------------------ 1. Resource files are not listed in external EVC smart guide 2. Product identifier string is identical to old SCM bridge 3. Internal Error when attempting to display a large error message 4. "Add to Version Control" never finds files on the server 5. Internal error during "add to version control" 6. Poor performance when performing function "Add to Version Control" with a large number of files (>100) 7. Icon Update will not work properly for project resources 8. Icon state is not correct after an operation 9. Icons are too small and hard to differentiate 10. Perforce is broken by action filtering in EVC   External Version Control and Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- External Version Control is unable to detect all files stored in SourceSafe. This caused problems during "Add to Version Control", and "Refresh Project" operations.  To avoid this, SourceSafe connected projects will now default to using the working directory for file information.  You should use the following steps when working with SourceSafe from VisualAge for Java. 1. You must create a project in SourceSafe and assign a working directory before performing "Add to Version Control" 2. During "Add to Version Control", the default working directory may  not be set properly. It should be the same as set in step 1. 3. Each time "Refresh Project" is to be performed, you should get  the latest versions of files from SourceSafe to their working directory.  This can be done by the "Get latest version" operation in the SourceSafe client software. To assist with the manual steps, an optional dialog box appears when "Refresh Project" is started with a reminder to update the working directory. There is a button to launch the client software for your convenience.   Copyrights and Notices ---------------------- © Copyright IBM Corporation 2000. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM, AIX, AS/400, DB2, OS/390, OS/400, RS/6000, S/390, VisualAge and WebSphere are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems , Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notices.