WebSphereTM Development Tools for AS/400(R), V4R5M1 README First

This document contains prerequisite information for the WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 product. In addition, it includes any limitations of the product and information not included in the documentation.


Table of Contents


ReadMe for Service Pack 2, July 2001


To install this service pack:

  1. Download and run service pack program V4R5M1S2.exe.  Follow the instructions given by the the program.

  2. Reboot your system after installing the service pack and before using the product.

  3. Install the latest PTFs to your host system.  PTF information can be found at ibm.com/software/ad/wdt400/support/ptfs.html

For more information, see the WebSphere Development Tools for iSeries Web site at ibm.com/software/ad/wdt400.

  • Service packs cannot be uninstalled.


List of Fixes and Changes

Service Pack 2 includes fixes and changes described below.  It also includes all fixes and changes originally provided in Service Pack 1, described further below under ReadMe for Service Pack 1.

Changes to VA RPG


Changes to CODE



ReadMe for Service Pack 1

Note: Service Pack 2 includes all of the changes originally included in Service Pack 1, described below. 

This document briefly describes service pack 1 changes.


How to Apply Service Pack 1

Before you apply Service Pack 1, complete these steps to unlock all files to be replaced.

  1. Make sure that no WebSphere Development Tools features are in use. For example, if the CODE editor is in use, be sure to save all files and to exit the editor.
  2. Open a Command Prompt window.
  3. Enter codeedit /cm exit
  4. Enter codedsu exit
  5. Enter x:\wdt400\system\evfctcpd /exit where x: is the drive where the product is located.

If any files are locked while applying Service Pack 1, you will see a message box with three buttons: Retry, Ignore, and Exit. Do not click Exit. Make sure that no WebSphere Development Tools features are in use and then click Retry. If the message box does not close, click Ignore. You will be asked to reboot at the end and to have the locked files replaced.

After applying Service Pack 1 and if you use VisualAge for RPG, you need to repackage and reinstall the Service Pack 1 runtime. If you do not reinstall the runtime and you install user applications generated from Service Pack 1, you will get an error message that you have not installed V4R5M1 runtime. This means you must reinstall the Service Pack 1 runtime.


Up-to-Date Information

For the most up-to-date information on the PTFs and Service Packs that are available for VARPG and CODE/400, go to the WDT/400 Web site and click the "Support" link. You can download the latest Service Pack from there.


Enabling Secure Java Applications

If you plan to deploy Java applications for use on the Web, please read this:

If you plan to deploy Java applications for use on the World Wide Web, note that only AS/400 systems running on the OS/400 V4R4 release, or later, support the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) specification. Data flow between workstation applications and AS/400 servers running on earlier OS/400 versions will not be secure.


Summary of changes in Service Pack 1

You must apply SERVICE PACK 1 so that all of the functions in this product are available for your use.


Changes to VisualAge(R) RPG


Changes to WebSphere Studio for AS/400


Changes to CODE/400


WebSphereTM Development Tools for AS/400(R) V4R5M1 README


Installation Notes

General Rules

Do not use response files. They are not supported.

When you are asked if you want to reboot during the installation, always reply Yes. For some languages, the reboot dialog box has only Yes and No buttons. Always reply Yes.

The application msiexec.exe may produce the following error message: "The instruction at '...' referenced memory at '...'. The memory could not be 'read'." Click OK. This does not seem to adversely affect product installation.

Installation occasionally appears to be idle for up to 5 minutes. This is normal. Installation is complete only when the completion dialog appears.


Optional Components

There are four components that might be installed, depending on your needs and what you already have installed on your machine. The installation wizard prompts you for a component when necessary.

    Component Included
    with product
    Installation type Comments
    MS JVM
    Yes Yes Interactive - launched from installation Required for Studio to function.
    J2SDK 1.2.2 Yes No Interactive - launched from installation Required for all CODE/400 and VARPG functions to work. See JDK Notes.
    Netscape Communicator Yes (V4.7) on a
    separate CD
    No Manual install by selecting CD and directory for appropriate language  
    Microsoft Internet Explorer No, obtain
    from vendor
    Yes Manual install of version 4.0 or higher If not installed, some major Studio functions will not work.


Web Browsers

Help has been tested on Netscape Navigator 4.7 and Internet Explorer 4 and higher.

After installation, ensure that your Web browsers bypass the proxy server for the server name "localhost".

Sometimes your browser cannot connect to the local web server httpdl.exe because it tries to locate the machine named "localhost" through a proxy server. This typically happens when your browser is set up for manual or automatic proxy configuration. If you use manual proxy configuration, you can modify your browser settings to prevent the browser from trying to resolve "localhost" through a proxy server. If you use automatic proxy configuration, you will need to ask the owner of your automatic proxy configuration file to add as a proxy exception on the proxy server.

To determine whether your browser is set up for manual proxy configuration, and to add proxy overrides if required, follow these steps. These instructions are for the browser versions indicated; if you are using a different browser version, the steps may be different:

For Netscape 4.7:

  1. From within Netscape Communicator, select Edit - Preferences.
  2. Expand the Advanced entry in the left-hand pane by clicking on the + symbol to its left.
  3. Select the Proxies entry beneath Advanced.
  4. The right-hand frame should indicate whether you are set up for automatic or manual proxy, or direct connection to the internet. If you are set up for manual proxy, continue this set of steps.
    • If you use automatic proxy configuration, you will need to ask the owner of your automatic proxy configuration file to add as a proxy exception on the proxy server.
  5. Select the View button beside Manual proxy configuration.
  6. Make sure that the addresses "localhost:49213" and "" both appear in the list of proxy exceptions. Also, make sure that they are separated by a semicolon, not by a comma. Omit the quotation marks. Make any required changes and close any dialogs until you are back at the main browser window.

For Internet Explorer 5.0:

  1. From within Internet Explorer, select Tools - Internet Options.
  2. From the Connections tab, click on LAN Settings.
  3. If "Use a proxy server" is selected, you are probably set up for manual proxy configuration. Select Advanced.
  4. Ensure that the entries "localhost", "localhost:49213", and "" all appear in the list of proxy exceptions, and make sure that they are separated by a semicolon, not a comma. Omit the quotation marks. Make any required changes and close any dialogs until you are back at the main browser window.

You should also update the file %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts by adding the line:    localhost
if that line is not already present. If you change this value you may need to exit and restart your browser for the change to take effect.

If you made any changes to browser configuration or the "...\etc\hosts" file, try reloading the help home page in your browser. If you still get errors trying to connect to locahost:49213, contact IBM support.

If your automatic proxy server is not accessible when you try to view the help, your browser may be unable to resolve localhost to the local address You can temporarily solve this problem (while the proxy server is unavailable) by changing to direct connection to the Internet in step 4 (Netscape) or step 3 (Internet Explorer) above.

There is a known Netscape problem with Help Search function in Windows 2000. See Netscape in Windows 2000 for a description. To use Internet Explorer for help, launch Internet Explorer and select Yes to the message "Would you like to make it your default browser?". You must shut down and start up a product feature before the default browser change takes effect.


Installing on Windows 95 or Windows 98

If you receive an error message indicating that NetQuestion cannot be installed, it is because the PATH statement in your autoexec.bat file is longer than 200 characters. Shorten the PATH statement to correct this problem.

Windows 95 workstations must be version 4.00.950a or later and must have Internet Explorer 5 version 5.00.2314.1003 or later installed prior to installing this product.


Installing on Windows NT or Windows 2000

Due to a change to Microsoft Installer in the use of environment variables in Windows NT and 2000, follow these rules:


Product Uninstall

To uninstall WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400, at a command prompt run wdt4imain.exe from the original installation source and use the Remove option in the Program Maintenance screen. Do not use the Windows Add/Remove Programs method and do not remove individual features manually because they will not be removed correctly. Always reboot your machine after uninstalling the product.

Uninstall or cancelling installation might leave unwanted files, directories and registry entries. To restore the workstation to its original state, perform the following procedure.

  1. Start a browser and go to the WDT400 Support page.

  2. Scroll down to "Support Downloads" and click on "Cleanup".

  3. Download the self extracting zip file wdclean.exe into a workstation directory of your choice.

  4. Use Windows Explorer to display the zip file and double click on the file to display the Self-Extractor dialog window.

  5. Click on the Unzip button.

  6. Click on OK.

  7. Delete file wdclean.exe if it will not be needed again.

  8. Determine the path to where the product is installed, for example, c:\wdt400. Be certain that the path is correct. Use only short names in the path.

  9. Determine the operating system: one of win95, win98, winnt or win2k.

  10. Open a Command Prompt window.

  11. Enter command cd %temp% to access the unzipped files. If you unzipped to a specific directory, change to that directory.

  12. Enter command cleanup [path] [OS] where [path] is the installation path and [OS] is the operating system.

  13. When cleanup is complete, enter command finish to delete the cleanup files.

  14. Close the Command Prompt window.


Product Modify

To change the features that are available in this product, insert installation CD 1 into the CD drive, type x:\wdt4imain.exe at a command prompt (where x: is the CD drive letter) and use the Modify option in the Program Maintenance screen. Do not use the Windows Add/Remove Programs method and do not remove individual features manually because they will not be removed correctly. Always reboot your machine after modifying the product.


Cancelling Installation

If you click on Cancel during the installation, uninstall the product as described in the Product Uninstall section to ensure all files are removed.


National Language Installation

The product will install one language according to the system locale. If you change the locale after the installation is complete, product features and help screens might not display the correct language. To change languages, completely uninstall the product as described in the Product Uninstall section, change the locale and then install the product again.


Installing Korean or Spanish

Installation in the Korean or Spanish language might result in two WebSphere Studio entries in the Start->Programs>IBM WebSphere Development Tools for AS400 menu. You can obtain a fix for this from the WDT/400 Web site, as follows.

  1. Start a browser and go to the WDT400 Support page.

  2. Scroll down to "Support Downloads" and click on "Merge".

  3. Download the self extracting zip file wsmerge.exe into a workstation directory of your choice.

  4. Use Windows Explorer to display the zip file and double click on the file to display the Self-Extractor dialog window.

  5. Click on the Unzip button.

  6. Click on OK.

  7. Determine the operating system: one of win95, win98, winnt or win2k.

  8. Open a Command Prompt window.

  9. Enter command cd %temp% to access the unzipped files. If you unzipped to a specific directory, change to that directory.

  10. Enter command wsmerge [OS] where [OS] is the operating system.

  11. Close the Command Prompt window.



Documentation Changes

Changes to WebSphere Studio Guide for AS/400

Program names referenced in Package your Web application change as follows:


Changes to WebSphere Studio Design-time Controls

The online Help description is incomplete for Operand 1 and Operand 2 for the run-time attribute properties associated with the following WebSphere Studio for AS/400 Design-time Controls (DTCs): Checkbox, Combobox, Entryfield, Label, Listbox, Pushbutton, and Radiobutton.

The description for Operand 1 should read:

Enter the field name for the operand. The field can be any unique field name on the JSP page. The name specified must match the name of the output parameter that you specify on the Specify the input and output parameters for your ILE program page in the Web Interaction wizard.

The description for Operand 2 should read:

Enter a constant value for this operand for the comparison with operand 1. You can also enter a field name for operand 2 if you select Field name operand. The field can be any unique field name on the JSP page. The name specified must match the name of the output parameter that you specify on the Specify the input and output parameters for your ILE program page in the Web Interaction wizard.


Changes to WebSphere Studio Web Interaction Wizard

The Web Interaction Wizard provides a "Servlet URL" field to prepare a template of a hypertext link to call and pass data to servlets. The dialog "Specify a name for your Web interaction" shows the URL. The final box that shows the creation of the servlet allows changes to the data.

For example, the Servlet URL might appear as:


If the placeholders "#1" and "#2" are replaced by "12345" and "Smith", then the equivalent call is:

"servlet/NuthinServlet with Custno=12345 and Custna=Smith".


Additions to VisualAge RPG

The following Part attributes have been added to VisualAge RPG.

    Part Attribute Type Description Operation
    at run time
    Subfile EditColumn numeric Returns the column number of the cell that is opened for editing. setatr
    EditIndex numeric Returns the row number of the cell that is opened for editing. setatr
    EditText text Returns the currently edited text of the cell that is being edited.
    Returns empty string if no cell is opened for editing.
    Window PrintAsIs text Prints the image and maintains the aspect ratio. setatr
    Image PrintAsIs text Prints the image and maintains the aspect ratio. setatr


Help Overview Sample

The name of the Subfile API Service Program for the Subfile DTC has changed from SFLIBSRV to QDTSSFL.
This change affects the Help documentation found in:

  Getting Started with WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400
    Creating Web Applications
      Sample: Creating a Web Application using WebSphere Studio for AS/400.

All descriptions that read ". . . API module SFLIBSRV" should read ". . . API service program QDTSSFL".



 Known Problems and Workarounds

JDK Notes

IBM WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 is shipped with IBM's Java 2 Software Development Kit (J2SDK), Standard Edition v1.2.2. J2SDK includes JavaDocs. If you choose to use a different JDK, then it must be version 1.2 or higher to ensure the functionality of all pieces of Java code.

To use a different JDK, determine its JRE (Java Runtime Environment) home directory. In the CODE Editor, enter the command


 where x:\dir is the JRE home directory. For example,


When the J2SDK installation is complete, update your PATH and CLASSPATH environment system variable to include the appropriate J2SDK directory. This allows VARPG to use Java. For example, if you installed the J2SDK in directory x:\jdk12, then add the following information to your PATH variable: x:\jdk12\bin.

If you plan to use the VisualAge RPG Media component, then install the Java Media Framework API.


VisualAge RPG GUI Designer and Java Plug-in

Netscape Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer do not currently support the same level of the J2SDK that VisualAge RPG uses. Therefore, applets created with the VisualAge RPG GUI Designer will not run directly with these browsers. To run VisualAge RPG applets in either of these browsers, you must have the Java Plug-in 1.2 installed (included with J2SDK), and the HTML Converter available from JavaSoft. You can download these by following the links from The Source for Java Technology Web page from Sun's Web site at sun.com. The HTML Converter allows you to convert the HTML page with your applet tag in order to use the Java Plug-in. The conversion creates an object tag that tells the Web browser to use the Java Plug-in instead of its own Java 2 Runtime Environment.


The Distributed Debugger

When you are debugging a Program or Service Program that was launched from a Web page generated by the WebSphere Studio for AS/400, Program completion or Service Program entry point completion does not cause the debugger to terminate. This prevents subsequent debug sessions. To be able to debug again, use the Halt button to close the outstanding debug session.


Object Level Trace

If Object Level Trace on Windows 95 or Windows 98 does not start, make sure that your environment space is set to the maximum value. In your CONFIG.SYS find the SHELL directive and make sure that the /E value is set to 32768. For example:


The OLT viewer will fail if environment files in directory DbgProf are corrupted. If this happens, delete all files in the DbgProf directory. There is a separate directory for each user. When the OLT viewer starts, it will create the files again.

The OLT viewer displays the error "Cannot open input stream for dertrdfl." when it is started the first time or after environment files in directory DbgProf are deleted. This error does not affect how the OLT viewer performs.


Netscape Navigator non-conformance

Netscape Navigator does not conform to standards for HTML 4. Web pages generated from WebSphere Studio for AS/400 and displayed by Netscape Navigator have DTC problems described in the following table. These problems do not occur when Internet Explorer is used.

    DTC type Appearance problems Events problems Attribute problems
    Entryfield Color and Background color defaults cannot be overridden. OnSelect, OnClick, OnDblClick, OnMouseOver, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, and OnMouseOut are not supported. The "alignment" attribute moves the entire field, not just the text.
    The "readonly" attribute is not supported, but this problem can be fixed as follows:
    - select the DTC
    - display the Control Properties dialog box
    - select the Event tab
    - click the onFocus event
    - enter "this.blur();" into the script box.
    Checkbox No problems OnChange is not supported. No problems
    Combobox Color and Background color defaults cannot be overridden.
    Font is ignored.
    No problems No problems
    Listbox Color and Background color defaults cannot be overridden.
    Font is ignored.
    No problems No problems
    MLE Color and Background color defaults cannot be overridden.
    Font is ignored.
    Text incorrectly wraps to next line.
    OnSelect is not supported. No problems
    Pushbutton Background color always appears as light grey. OnKeyPress, OnKeyUp, OnKeyDown, OnMouseOut, and OnMouseOver are not supported. No problems
    Radiobutton No problems OnMouseOut, OnMouseOver, OnKeyUp, OnKeyDown, OnKeyPress, and OnChange are not supported. No problems


Netscape in Windows 2000

There is a known problem with Netscape (versions 4.5 to 4.74 and possibly others) on some Windows 2000 machines that may make searching the online help extremely slow. When you submit a form from these versions of Netscape, the Netscape application uses most available processor cycles on your machine until a response is received from the remote system. This is not normally a problem when doing a remote search (e.g. on a website). However, because the product's search program is running on your own local machine, the fact that Netscape takes so much CPU time means that there is very little CPU time left over for the search program to perform its search. As a result, a search action that should return a result within a second may take several minutes on Windows 2000.

You can avoid this performance problem by selecting a different, non-Netscape window after each time you submit a search. This typically causes Netscape to stop using excessive CPU cycles while waiting for a response and search results are usually displayed within a second after doing this window switch.

Alternatively, you can use Microsoft Internet Explorer to view the help. The performance problem does not occur with this browser.


Norton AntiVirus

If Norton AntiVirus is installed on a Windows 95 or Windows 98 machine and any parts of WebSphere Development Tools, such as Debugger or Object Level Trace, do not function, then disable Norton Antivirus and try again.


Help does not work

After installation, if Help does not work because the browser does not start, then reconfigure the Help system. You do not need the installation CDs for the following procedure.

1. Determine the operating system YY of the workstation. YY is
95 for Windows 95 98 for Windows 98
NT for Windows NT 2K for Windows 2000
2. Determine the drive W where directory WDT400\help is located. W is the drive where the product is installed.
3. Determine the drive X where directory imnnq_YY is located. X is usually the drive where the product is installed.
4. Determine the language zz_ZZ that was installed. zz_ZZ is
en_US for English fr_FR for French
de_DE for German pt_BR for Brazilian Portugese
it_IT for Italian es_ES for Spanish
ko_KR for Korean ja_JP for Japanese
zh_CN for Simplified Chinese zh_TW for Traditional Chinese
5. Open a Command Prompt window.
6. Change to drive X. Replace X and enter command: X:
7. Change directory to imnnq_YY. Replace YY and enter command: cd imnnq_YY
8. To remove the help system, replace X, YY, and zz_ZZ and enter this command: vahcfgw.exe remove /p va400 /f X:\imnnq_YY /l zz_ZZ
9. To restore the help system, replace W and zz_ZZ and enter this command: vahcfgw.exe install /w W:\wdt400\help /l zz_ZZ
10. Wait for Help reconfiguration to complete and then close the Command Prompt window.



Other Sources of Information

Visit our World Wide Web pages at:

You can also get to these pages by following the links from the IBM Software home page:


Follow the newsgroups and post your questions at:

News server:


Suggested newsgroups:






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    This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

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    This documentation describes General-Use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information provided by IBM WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400.


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