WebSphereTM Development Tools for AS/400(R), V4R5M1 Release Notes

This document provides information that is specific to this release of the WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 (WDT/400) product. This release integrates four features that were previously available only as separate products. Hardware requirements (memory and disk space), software requirements (at development and run time), and migration scenarios are provided.

Table of Contents

Features of Release V4R5M1

The four main features are:

  1. WebSphere Studio for AS/400 which contains wizards for easily creating JavaBeansTM, Java servlets, and easy deployment of e-business applications.
  2. VisualAge RPG which supports applications with Windows GUI, transparent access to AS/400 resources, and generates Java applications and applets.
  3. Co-operative Development Environment/400 which allows you to edit, compile, and debug RPG, COBOL, C, C++, CL, DDS, and Java (includes the CODE Designer, a WYSIWYG DDS tool).
  4. VisualAge for Java for AS/400 which contains wizards and connectors from ET/400 to provide easy access to AS/400 data and applications from VisualAge RPG source.

Integration between WebSphere Studio and VisualAge for Java enables teams to communicate and work together to:

In addition, the installation of WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 has been simplified with:

Hardware Requirements

WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 has the following hardware requirements:

System requirements decrease if you choose to install only the features that you require.

Software Requirements

WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 has the following software requirements:
Feature Development Time Run Time
WebSphere Studio for AS/400 - Windows 95/98/NT/2000

- Internet Explorer 4.0 or later

- OS/400 V4R4 or later

- WebSphere Application Server V3.5 or later

- OS/400 V4R4 or later

- Netscape Communicator 4.7 (provided) or later, or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later

- Internet Explorer 5.0 for Page Detailer

- WebSphere Application Server V3.5 or later

VisualAge RPG - Windows 95/98/NT/2000

- ADTS (5769-PW1)

- OS/400 V4R3 or later

- Windows 95/98/NT/2000 or any JRE V1.2 or later, including a browser

- OS/400 V4R3 or later

CODE/400 - Windows 95/98/NT/2000

- ADTS (5769-PW1)

- OS/400 V4R3 or later

VisualAge for Java for AS/400 - Windows 98/NT/2000

- OS/400 V4R4 or later

- OS/400 V4R4 or JRE V1.2.2 or later

- Netscape Communicator 4.7 (provided) or later, or Internet Explorer 5.0 or later

- TCP/IP configured and running

Migration Process

If you already have WebSphere Studio or VisualAge for Java, then installing WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400 V4R5M1 will maintain your current configuration while installing all product features.

The tables below show what features you will have after installation.

WebSphere Studio Installation Scenarios:

If you currently have After installing WebSphere Development Tools, you will have After installation, Start menu will include
Studio 3.0 Studio 3.0
Studio 3.5 Professional for AS/400
Studio 3.0
WebSphere Development Tools > Studio 3.5

VisualAge for Java Installation Scenarios:

If you currently have After installing WebSphere Development Tools, you will have After installation, Start menu will include
VisualAge for Java 2.0
Entry/ Professional/ Enterprise
VisualAge for Java 2.0 Entry/Pro/Ent
VisualAge for Java 3.5 Pro + ET/400
VisualAge for Java 2.0
WebSphere Development Tools > VisualAge for Java 3.5
VisualAge for Java 2.0
Rollup2/ Enterprise
VisualAge for Java 2.0 Rollup2/ Ent
VisualAge for Java 3.5 Pro + ET/400
VisualAge for Java 2.0
WebSphere Development Tools > VisualAge for Java 3.5
VisualAge for Java 3.0
Entry/ Professional/ Enterprise
VisualAge for Java 3.0 Entry/Pro/Ent
VisualAge for Java 3.5 Pro + ET/400
VisualAge for Java 3.0
WebSphere Development Tools > VisualAge for Java 3.5
VisualAge for Java 3.02
Entry/ Professional/ Enterprise
VisualAge for Java 3.02 Entry/Pro/Ent
VisualAge for Java 3.5 Pro + ET/400
VisualAge for Java 3.02
WebSphere Development Tools > VisualAge for Java 3.5

VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5, Enterprise Toolkit for AS/400(R) RELEASE NOTES

Table of contents

1.0 Prerequisites
2.0 Limitations and known problems
      2.1 Convert display files SmartGuide
      2.2 AS400eList Bean Performance
      2.3 Code Generation in DFU beans
3.0 Hints and tips
      3.1 Run-time files
      3.2 Deployment of a VCE application that has DFU beans
4.0 AS/400 Java Web sites 

1.0 Prerequisites

2.0 Limitations and known problems

2.1 Convert Display File SmartGuide

On systems which have earlier versions of IBM Personal Communications, it may not be possible to start an IBM Personal Communications session while the Convert Display File SmartGuide is running. Once the SmartGuide is finished running, an IBM Personal Communications session may be started.  

A bean generated by this Smartguide can be opened in the VCE, and saved after undergoing Construct Visuals from Source. The resulting bean may not look or behave as the original.

2.2 AS400eList Bean Performance

When extracting lists from an AS/400 server, data conversion may require a longer period of time to complete, if the list is very large, or if binary or date fields are selected. To achieve the best performance, follow these recommendations:

  1. Use the OBJL0100 or OBJL0200 formats, which allow for translation of data in one step.
  2. If OBJL0300 format or higher is selected, try to avoid selecting the binary or date fields listed below, unless necessary. If a binary field or date field is selected, the translation of the field attributes must be performed individually for each item. This slows the overall process, especially for larger lists.

Binary fields

Date fields

2.3 Code generation in DFU beans

When the FormManager, ListManager, or RecordIOManager beans generate code, the progress indicator may appear several times, depending on the number of methods that are generated for the condition class. 

Do not attempt to close the bean's Property window during code generation, as this will cause the Visual Composition Editor to hang. For FormManager or ListManager, the value of the recordIOManager property will change accordingly when code generation is complete, and the Property window can be closed at that time.  

3.0 Hints and Tips

3.1 Runtime files

The following .jar and .zip files are available for running examples and applications outside of VisualAge for Java. These files are available in the 'eab\runtime30' directory:

These Toolbox .jar files can also be found in the 'eab\runtime30' directory:

3.2 Deployment of a VCE application that has DFU beans

If you want to deploy an application created in the Visual Composition Editor that contains DFU beans, you have to export both the application's classes and resources. When the application contains a DFU bean, the Visual Composition Editor will generate a .sos file as a resource in the application's project. 

4.0 AS/400 Java Web Sites

The http://www.ibm.com/software/ad/as400/vajava/  Web site contains updates, hints, tips and information about the latest AS/400 Java features.

To learn more about the IBM AS/400 Toolbox for Java, visit the following web site:


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Programming Interface Information

This documentation describes General-Use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information provided by IBM WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400.

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  • AIXwindows
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  • Application System/400
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  • C/400
  • CICS
  • CICS/400
  • COBOL/2
  • COBOL/400
  • Common User Access
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  • GDDM
  • IBM
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  • Integrated Language Environment
  • Language Environment
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  • Open Class
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  • Operating System/400
  • OS/2
  • OS/390
  • OS/400
  • POWER2
  • PowerPC
  • RPG/400
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  • S/390
  • SAA
  • SQL/400
  • System/36
  • System/38
  • VisualAge
  • VTAM
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