Setup instructions for VisualAge RPG COMMON Lab - Fall 2000 Internet download version This download contains the following files: ------------------------------------------- 1. README - this file 2. VARPGIntro.pdf - brief introduction to VisualAge RPG 3. LabInstructions.pdf - Step by step instructions for the lab 4. varlab01.savf - AS/400 save file containing source files for the lab Setup: ------ While working through the lab, please use your own AS/400 id and the VARLAB01 library restored from the save file. To restore the AS/400 save file: 1. Create a save file on your AS/400 call varlab01 2. FTP the file varlab01.savf to the save file created in step 1. Your FTP session should look something like this (where my400lib is the name of the library where you created the save file.) C:\VARPGCommonLab>ftp toras14m Connected to 220-QTCP at 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes. User ( YANTZI 331 Enter password. Password: 230 YANTZI logged on. ftp> cd my400lib 250 "MY400LIB" is current library. ftp> bin 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE. ftp> put varlab01.savf 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 150 Sending file to member SAVF in file VARLAB01 in library MY400LIB. 250 File transfer completed successfully. 110352 bytes sent in 3.56 seconds (31.04 Kbytes/sec) ftp> bye 221 QUIT subcommand received. 3. Restore the library VARLAB01 from the VARLAB01 save file.