(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.

IBM WebSphere Studio 3.5 Fixpack 1 ReadMe

Welcome to IBM WebSphere (TM) Studio 3.5 Fixpack 1.

This ReadMe contains information about installing and using the IBM WebSphere Studio 3.5 Fixpack 1. This fixpack will upgrade your copy of IBM WebSphere Studio Entry, Professional, or Advanced Edition from version 3.5 to version 3.5.1.

For the most recent information about known problems and considerations, refer to the Release Notes in the Related Information section on the IBM WebSphere Studio Support page (http://www.ibm.com/software/websphere/studio/support.html).

This file includes information about:

  • Installing this fixpack
  • Problems that were corrected with this fixpack
  • Where to find more information
  • Trademarks

  • Installing this fixpack

    To install this fixpack on WebSphere Studio 3.5, Entry, Professional, or Advanced Editions:

    1. Download the Studio Fixpack installation file from the web site.
    2. Unzip the file into a local directory.
    3. Run setup.exe.
    4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

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    Problems corrected with this fixpack

    The following problems are corrected with this fixpack:

    Problems with Studio

    4598-RG SQL wizard does not work if schema starts with a number
    5514-SC Editors for .app and .class file not unregistered after uninstalling
    5966-SC Personalization rules do not get autopublished on insert
    6012-RG Syntax errors when saving JSV page using AllowUpdate option
    6085-MK Page Designer should not be a registered editor for .servlet files
    6038-CM Settings for server not saved
    6056-MK Warning dialog in SQL wizard is in English on Japanese Studio
    6079-MC Choosing a bookmark from the menu crashes Studio
    6093-LR JSPs that include the 3.5 version of ModelBeanUtils incorrectly generate Servlet model tags.
    6095-MK Allow Update table in second bean still has schema name
    6112-MT Can not refresh the publishing stage, stage listing incorrect
    6167-MK DB wizard generates empty error page directive for JSP model
    6169-MK WMLResults.jsw Table for JSP Model indexed bean has compile errors
    6180-RG Problem using AllowUpdate with Database wizard Servlet model
    6183-RG Error using WML, Database wizard, JSP model, JSP0.91, List style, X db rows option
    6088-MK WML files start with HTML doctype
    6217-KL localhost settings not taken from project when no local definition exists
    6218-KL NBIFtpServerProperties::isChanged is broken
    6231-TS Production Stage of Studio Samples archive has incorrect setting for default server
    6243-CH Studio crashes when you go to import menu item while Page Designer is active
    6224-MK DB Wizard execute action not checked by default on Win2K on Simplifed Chinese
    6235-MK Uninstall of Debugger does not complete successfully
    6247-SK jsp:forward will not work after publishing with doc root link style
    6252-MO Cannot use Japanese as Java package name
    6253-MO Cannot use Japanese as type definition in Personalization resource wizards
    6254-CM Exception in Studio when closing a file
    6259-CM Anchor tag changed incorrectly when publishing
    6259-CM Checked-out JSP incorrectly replaced when it is checked in
    6262-HM Studio corrupts Java code in JSP expression
    6263-HM Studio corrupts HTML file when checking in
    6264-JZ <jsp:include page=...> does not work with WAS 3.5 after publishing if the link is outside the servlet folder
    6266-SC "includes any of" operator is missing when comparing lists to lists
    6269-MH Line missing from the JSP "BuildStaffHTMLResults.jsp"
    6270-MH Link is broken in the VoiceIntro.HTML file
    6278-JZ <jsp:forward page=...> link to file outside servlet folder crashes Studio
    6284-JZ Studio removes the file folder for the link in <jsp:forward page=...> if there is no webapp defined
    6285-DK Deleting grouped condition corrupts UI
    6286-DK Nested Otherwise classifier causes Studio to trap
    6287-MM Page Detailer Guide has broken image links
    6293-MM Studio sample archives have minor errors
    6295-MH WML input page links are not fixed up when changing the default editor for the .wml files

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    Problems with Page Designer

    6111-HM VXML Preview does not display the latest document
    6112-WT Garbage appears in Edit Screen of the Script dialog
    6186-MN External browser jumps into the old file
    6187-MN Labels are added for the normal links on saving
    6244-HM METADATA is not updated through DOM JNI lib
    6271-HM Ordered list type attribute moves to second list item
    6274-HM Indent=>Increase/Decrease not working
    6275-HM Cannot not split list item if it contains other tags
    6277-MI <S> element is ignored in the attribute dialog
    6299-TA Change two DLL version numbers to 3.5.1
    6300-TA Change GENERATOR in META tag to V3.5.1
    6396-TA Code incorrectly uses FindString instead of FindStringExact

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    Where to find more information

    Find the most up-to-date information about Studio: Release Notes, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and White Papers at: http://www.ibm.com/software/websphere/studio.

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    IBM, the IBM logo and WebSphere are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the U.S., other countries, or both.

    Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US, other countries, or both.

    Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

    Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

    Portions copyright (c) Blue Sky Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Portions copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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