========================================================================= Readme File for VisualAge RPG and CODE/400 5763-CL2 V3R2M2 for Windows Cumulative Service Pack Level (002) ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999. All rights reserved. ========================================================================= --------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 INSTALLING FROM A MANAGING AS/400 SYSTEM 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE 1.3 SILENT INSTALLATION (UNATTENDED) 1.4 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK 1.5 COPYING A SERVICE PACK 2.0 SERVICE PACK INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ 1.1 INSTALLING FROM A MANAGING AS/400 SYSTEM --------------------------------------------- Note: The following method should be used if you have received the VisualAge RPG and CODE/400 Service Pack through the AS/400 PTF ordering process (either as an individual PTF order or as part of an OS/400 PTF cumulative package). Once this Service Pack has been applied to the managing AS/400 system with the LODPTF and APYPTF AS/400 commands, it can be installed on individual PCs with the "Start Service" program icon in the VisualAge RPG and CODE400 ShortCut. Client Access is required to attach AS/400 file system as drive letter. Other communication products with same function can be used as well. If the AS/400 file system is attached with the command: "NET USE I: \\AS400_system_name\." then "Select Service Pack Source" entry field should look like this: I:\qdls And if the AS/400 file system is attached as : NET USE I: \\AS400_system_name\qdls then the "Select Service Pack Source" entry field should be: I:\ 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE --------------------------------------------- Note: The following method should be used if you have received the VisualAge RPG and CODE/400 Service Pack as a set of install image files, not as PTFs from an AS/400. Typically this is if you downloaded the files from our Web site "http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/varpg". The same instructions for Installing from AS/400 applies. The "Service Pack Source" supplied during Service Pack installation must point to the "QADTSWIN" folder to start collecting the new Service Pack information. Once the install setup program has completed, you can_remove the install image files from your Local or Network drive. 1.3 SILENT INSTALLATION (UNATTENDED) ------------------------------------- Setup.iss is a configuration file used by the Service Pack Utility to support Silent Installation (unattended/remote installation). To install a Service Pack in Silent mode, type the command: x:\adtswin\setup.exe -s -fservice.ins (where x: is the disk drive where ViaualAge RPG and CODE400 is installed) from a DOS session. A single message indicates that Silent Installation is running. All Service Pack parameters are now taken from the setup.iss configuration file. One parameter must be changed to indicate where to install the Service Pack from, in the line: szDir=N:\ADTSWIN\SP002 This line should point to the directory where the Service Pack is. Silent Installation creates a file called SETUP.LOG that contains the line "ResultCode = 0" which means successful installation. Any other value means failure and you should talk to an IBM Service Rep. for help. 1.4 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK ------------------------------- - IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that you close all applications and restart your PC before removing a Service Pack to properly terminate any DLLs that are in use. To remove Service Pack from your PC: 1. Click the Windows 95/NT Start button, click on Settings, and then click on Control Panel. 2. Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. 3. Click on the Install/Uninstall tab, click on "IBM VisualAge RPG and CODE/400 Service Pack xxx" item, and then click on the Add/Remove button. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. Or you can click on the "Start Service" from the "VisualAge RPG and CODE400" ShortCut and select option #2 to Uninstall Service Pack. 1.5 COPYING A SERVICE PACK --------------------------- The option to copy Service Pack is designed mainly to copy a Service Pack from an AS/400 to a Local or Network drive. It creates a small version of the product folder (QADTSWIN, QCODEWIN, and QVRPGWIN) with just the files needed to install a Service Pack. The same instructions apply to how the Source and Target locations are entered in the entry field, it should be: I:\source_directory where source_directory is where the folder QADTSWIN can be found. 2.0 SERVICE PACK INFORMATION ---------------------------- To view a brief description of the Service Pack fixes made since the GA version of this product, issue the following command from an MS-DOS prompt in the ADTSWIN\SYSTEM subdirectory: iview servinfo.inf The text version of this document is available in file SERVINFO.TXT in the directory ADTSWIN where you installed the VisualAge RPG and CODE/400 product.