To enable TCP/IP support for CODE/400 ===================================== (1) On your AS/400 create a save file in your library named QCODETCP. If the save file already exists or contains data, clear it using the CLRSAVF command. (2) Use FTP to transfer the save file on your PC to to QCODETCP *SAVF on your AS/400. If your version of OS/400 is V3R6 or later, transfer the file named qcode36.sav to QCODETCP *SAVF on the AS/400. If your version of OS/400 is V3R2 transer the file named qcode32.sav to QCODETCP *SAVF on the AS/400. The procedure is shown below. ---------------------------- C:\> C:\>ftp myas400 Connected to myas400 220-QTCP at 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes. User (myas400:(none)): myuserid 331 Enter password. Password: 230 MYUSERID logged on. ftp> ftp> bin 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE. ftp> ftp> put qcodev36.sav myuserid/qcodetcp.qcodetcp 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 150 Sending file to member QCODETCP in file QCODETCP in library MYUSERID. 250 File transfer completed successfully. 17293056 bytes sent in 71.02 seconds (243.50 Kbytes/sec) ftp> ftp> quit 221 QUIT subcommand received. C:\> ----------------------------- (3) Restore the QCODETCP *LIB from the QCODETCP *SAVF. Use the RSTLIB command. (4) Save the following objects in QCODE *LIB. Copy them to another library for safekeeping. Object Type EVFCFDBK *PGM EVFCMAIN *PGM EVFACODE *SRVPGM EVFCMSGF *MSGF STRCODE *CMD QHQDCMD *PNLGRP (5) Copy all of the objects in QCODETCP *LIB into QCODE *LIB and overwrite the existing objects. (6) Copy the new version of the STRCODE *CMD command in QCODE *LIB (or QCODETCPIP *LIB) into QSYS *LIB, replacing the old one. To disable TCP/IP support for CODE/400 ====================================== (1) Copy the objects you previously saved (step 4 above) from QCODE *LIB back into QCODE *LIB. (2) Copy the original STRCODE *CMD from QCODE *LIB into QSYS *LIB. How to start the TCP/IP support =============================== On your PC go to the ADTS program folder and double-click on "TCPIP Communications Server". You'll see something called CODE TCP/IP Daemon start up. Once this "daemon" is running you can then issue STRCODE requests from one or more AS/400's. The STRCODE command now allows you to choose between APPC or TCP/IP, so for TCP/IP specify the TCP/IP name of your PC in the "remote location" field.