IBM VisualAge(R) RPG and CODE/400 README file
Installing from the Workstation CD
Installing Netscape Communicator
Service Pack and PTF Information
Known Problems and Workarounds
Documentation Corrections
Keeping in Touch
This file contains additional and last minute information that was not
included in the online and printed versions of the VisualAge(R) RPG
(VARPG) and Cooperative Development Environment for AS/400 (CODE/400)
To install the product from the workstation CD:
- Insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive.
- Follow the online instructions.
If the installation utility does not start automatically, perform the
following steps:
- From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
- Type:
Where x: is your CD-ROM drive.
Installation Notes:
- If you want to install both IBM VisualAge for C++ and VisualAge RPG and
CODE/400 on the same workstation, you must install VisualAge RPG and CODE/400
- If you are installing on Windows 95 and receive an error message
indicating NetQuestion cannot be installed, it is because the PATH statement
in your autoexec.bat file is longer than 200 characters. The
solution is to shorten the PATH statement.
- If you are installing onto Windows NT, you need to have administrator
authority to install VisualAge RPG and CODE/400.
To use the product help, you require a browser that can handle
frames. If you do not have a browser installed on your workstation, you
can install Netscape Communicator from the Includes Netscape
Communicator CD that was shipped with this product. Follow the
instructions in the CDNAVEN.TXT file located in the Netscape directory
on this CD.
Note: | After installation, make sure your browser bypasses the proxy server for
server name localhost.
In order to use all of the VisualAge RPG and CODE/400
V3R2M3 functions, apply the required Service Packs to the product and the
required PTFs to the AS/400 host or client products or both. The list
of required PTFs has been updated for this release.
For the most up-to-date information on available Service Packs and PTFs, go
to the VisualAge RPG and CODE/400 Web site at:
Select the Support hyperlink from the left hand frame.
You can download the latest Service Packs and view the most current list of
AS/400 PTFs from there.
This section lists known problems and workarounds that were not
included in the online and printed versions of the VARPG and CODE/400
Note: | During the installation of the Distributed Debugger you
may notice that the progress indicator will remain stationary for some
time. This is normal and does not mean that the installation is
If you get an error message indicating that installation of the Distributed
Debugger was not successful, you will need to do the following:
- Shorten the environment variables which are longer than 250
- Manually install the debugger from the CD.
From the x:\QADTSWIN\MRM\DISTDBG\ directory type the following
setup -ParentProduct=product name=-HomeMenu=folder name=-InstallDir=y:\IBMDEBUG
- x: is the CD ROM drive.
- product name has to be 'VisualAge RPG and CODE/400'
or your language version of the product name.
- folder name has to be 'VisualAge RPG and CODE400' or
your language version of the folder name. (Be careful that CODE400 does
not contain the forward slash in this instance.)
- y: is the drive where you have already installed the
VARPG and CODE/400 product.
Be sure to select the Full install option.
- Configure the help for the debugger. Update the
IBMVAHLP.CFG file in your Windows directory with the
following line at the beginning of the file. (Create the file if it
does not exist.)
where ProductName is 'VisualAge RPG and CODE/400' or
your language version of the product name you used during the manual
installation of the IBM Distributed Debugger.
If the product installation appears to hang while installing the IBM
Distributed Debugger component, you will need to do the following:
- Cancel the product installation.
- Uninstall the product. From Control Panel, select
Add/Remove Programs -> Install/Uninstall. Click on
VisualAge RPG and CODE/400 V3R2M3 and then on the
Add/Remove button.
- Perform a Custom install of the product. Do not select the IBM
Distributed Debugger.
- Manually copy the files required by the debugger from the CD.
From the x:\QADTSWIN\MRM directory, type the following
copy NLS29nn\ y:\ADTSWIN\HELP
copy NLS29nn\ y:\ADTSWIN\HELP
copy NLS29nn\ y:\ADTSWIN\HELP
copy NLS29nn\ y:\ADTSWIN\HELP
copy NLS29nn\ y:\ADTSWIN\HELP
copy NLS29nn\ y:\ADTSWIN\HELP
copy codedbg2.exe y:\ADTSWIN\SYSTEM
copy codedbg.exe y:\ADTSWIN
copy dlogoff.exe y:\ADTSWIN
where nn is the language identifier:
English 24
German 29
Spanish 31
Japanese 62
Korean 86
Chinese 89
x: is the CD ROM drive.
y:\ADTSWIN is the directory where you have installed the
VARPG and CODE/400 product.
- Manually install the debugger from the CD.
From the x:\QADTSWIN\MRM\DISTDBG\ directory type the following
setup -ParentProduct=product name=-HomeMenu=folder name=-InstallDir=y:\IBMDEBUG
- product name has to be 'VisualAge RPG and CODE/400'
or your language version of the product name.
- folder name has to be 'VisualAge RPG and CODE400' or
your language version of the folder name. Be careful that CODE400 does
not contain the forward slash in this instance.)
Be sure to select the Full install option.
- Select the No, I will restart my computer later choice.
- Update the IBMVAHLP.CFG file in your Windows directory
with the following line at the beginning of the file:
where ProductName is 'VisualAge RPG and CODE/400' or
your language version of the product name.
- Restart your computer.
- Update the navigation entries and search for the help system. From
a DOS prompt, change to the y:\imnnq_directory
directory. Run the following commands:
vahcfg remove /p va400 /f y:\imnnq_directory /l language
vahcfg install /w y:\adtswin\help /l language
Tip: | When invoking the debugger outside of CODE, you are
presented with the Debugger AS/400 Logon dialog box if you click any one of
the Job List, Advanced, or Load push buttons in the Load
Program dialog box. If you plan to log on to the same host for
subsequent invocations of the debugger, click the Advanced push
button to enter the host name. By specifying the host with this method,
you will not be presented with the Debugger AS/400 Logon dialog box each time
you start a session for that same host.
- In some cases, a COBOL variable cannot be selected by double
clicking. Use point and drag to select this variable. Also, tool
tip evaluation for this variable is not available.
- If a library specified in the JNI Library List page of the Debugger
Settings dialog could not be added, no error message appears.
- The start debug server command (STRDBGSVR) creates a batch job that runs
Q5BROUTE, the debugger's router function. This job runs under the
id of the user who issues the STRDBGSVR command.
- In order to debug your application, use a STRCODE session. Open
your source in the Editor using this STRCODE server.
- When starting the debugger from CODE, selecting the No Prompt
menu item invokes the Debugger AS/400 Logon dialog box, if you have not
already logged on to the Debugger. You are then presented with the Call
Program dialog box. In this dialog box, the Program field
defaults to the name of the source and library currently open in the CODE
Editor. You may change these entries, if desired, enter any parameters
that you want to pass to the selected program, and then select the
OK push button. The Call Program dialog box will close and
the selected program will load into the debugger.
If you invoke the debugger from CODE and select the Prompt menu
item, you will be presented with the Distributed Debugger Load Program dialog
box. In this dialog box, you can specify or change options for opening
the debugger prior to invoking it. For a typical debug session,
complete the Load Program dialog box as follows:
- In the Job to debug field, specify the name of the AS/400 job
you want to debug.
- The Specify the name of the program to add to debug field
defaults to the name of the source currently open in CODE Editor. You
may change this entry, if desired.
- In most cases, entries in the Specify the language of the program to
debug field control the terminology that the debugger will use.
However, if you want to debug a Java class, Java must be selected
from the selection list.
- Leave the Step Into check box selected.
- Click the Load push button to load the selected program and
options into the debugger.
- You will be asked to start your application on the AS/400.
For further details on using the Load Program dialog box, please click its
Help push button.
If you invoke the debugger from the CODE Editor and subsequently run the
program to completion or terminate the debug session, the main debugger window
will remain empty and you can invoke the Load Program dialog box again from
the File pull-down menu.
If you define a TCP/IP server or create a new APPC connection while the
CODE Daemon is already running, and one of the following occurs:
- You do not see the server appear on lists of available servers.
- When you try to use the server, you get a message indicating that the
server does not exist.
Enter the following command from a DOS prompt:
- Pressing F1 on a syntax error in the editor window does not bring up
message help for all programming languages.
- A dialog will appear the first time F1 is pressed on a line in a Java
source file. If you do not see this dialog, use Alt+Tab to change focus
to the dialog.
This section lists additions, corrections, and changes that were made
after the VARPG and CODE/400 documentation went to print.
The following sections list additions, corrections, and
changes that were made after the CODE/400 documentation went to print.
- To be able to debug a batch job, you have to submit the job with the
option Hold on job queue set to *Yes. In the Load
program dialog, specify the job number of the held job. Click
OK to attach the debugger to your batch job.
- All information in the Help for the Load dialog is valid for batch,
interactive, and BCI jobs.
- If you specify the option Step into with or without the program
name, the debugger will release the batch job, display the source, and stop at
the first executable statement.
- If you do not specify the option Step into, the debugger will
release the batch job. If you specified a program, you can now display
the source by selecting the Programs pane, expanding the program entry, and
clicking on the module. If you did not specify a program, you have to
select the Programs pane, select Add program from the Programs menu bar, and
add the program you want to debug. In both cases, set a breakpoint in
the displayed source and select Run. The program stops at
the breakpoint.
- You have to terminate the debugger manually if you do not specify a
program to debug.
The following sections list additions, corrections, and
changes that were made after the VisualAge RPG documentation went to
- Animation Control Part
- This part has a new attribute, FrameRate. This attribute determines
the time, in milliseconds, to pause between frames in an animated GIF
- Free form example
C EVAL %setatr('main': 'ANI': 'FrameRate')=Type
- Fixed form example
- Window Part
- The Filename attribute is used to set the icon that is to appear in the
system menu for the window. It is of type string, settable, and for
Java(TM) only.
- AddSrcEvent Attribute
- This is a new attribute for the Component Reference part.
- Allowed Value
- The format of this attribute is:
- Free form example
D Event S 100
C EVAL Event='compb|win02|ef02|change'
C EVAL %setatr('win01': 'CRP1':
C 'AddSrcEvent')=Event
- Fixed form example
D Event
C EVAL Event='compb|win02|ef02|change'
- AutoScroll, CompName Attributes
- These attributes are also settable.
- BindPart Attribute
- This attribute is not gettable.
- BlankChar, BufferDec, ColorMix, FieldExit, SizeToFit Attributes
- These attributes are also gettable.
- Height, Left, Top, Width Attributes
- These attributes are now settable in the properties notebook in the GUI
- RmvSrcEvent
- This is a new attribute for the Component Reference part.
- Allowed Value
- The format of this attribute is:
- Free form example
D Event S 100
C EVAL Event='compb|win02|ef02|change'
C EVAL %setatr('win01': 'CRP1':
C 'RmvSrcEvent')=Event
- Fixed form example
D Event
C EVAL Event='compb|win02|ef02|change'
- %SrcCompName Event Attribute
- This new attribute is for the Notify event. It is of type
string. The attribute is used to retrieve the source component name of
the event being notified. In the case that the user program monitors
multiple events with one component reference, it can determine the exact
source of the event that triggers the Notify event using the %SrcCompName
attribute in combination with the following attributes: %SrcWinName,
%SrcPartName, and %SrcEvtName.
- Visual Age RPG Applets
- To run VisualAge RPG applets in Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet
Explorer, you need Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE). You can
download the JRE from:
- Choose Products and API's A-Z Index.
- Choose Java Plug-in and follow the download instructions on the
- The new FOR and ENDFOR operation codes are not supported for Java.
- EVALR with %SETATR and %GETATR behaves like EVAL. There is no right
justification of the attribute value when set or retrieved. This
applies to both Windows and Java.
The DBCS CCSID 1399 is not supported for Java.
Before compiling sample VisualAge RPG projects, read
the source code (vpg file) for prerequisite actions.
Tip: | When running java applets or applications using the JRE (Java
run-time environment) make sure you use the international version of
Type: String
A new PARENTLIST, gettable attribute has been added for the CONTAINER part
. Use this attribute to retrieve the blank delimited list of parent ids
for the current record. Before using this attribute set the RECORDID
attribute to the current record's id.
Type: Numeric
A new YINC attribute has been added for the GRAPH part. Use this
attribute to set equal tick marks on the Y axis of the graph part. A
settable/gettable number will equally divide the Y axis between the maximum
and minimum values into the specified number of tick marks.
Contact us in one of the following ways:
- Visit our World Wide Web page at You can also
get to this page by following the links from the IBM Software home page
(, following the
Application Development link.
Information that you can find on the Web site include:
- The most current Service Pack and PTF information and downloads
- VARPG and CODE/400 tips and techniques
- Sample Editor macros and VARPG programs
- Subscribe to the CODE400-L internet mailing list, which is moderated by a
CODE/400 customer for VARPG and CODE/400 discussions, tip sharing, questions,
and so on. While IBM does not own or maintain this mailing list, we do
monitor it. To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to To unsubscribe from the list,
send an e-mail message to
- Follow the VARPG and CODE/400 newgroups and post your questions at:
VARPG newsgroup
CODE/400 newsgroup
- Send your comments on our documentation in any of the following
- By mail to the following address:
IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory
Information Development
1150 Eglinton Avenue East
North York, Ontario, Canada M3C 1H7
- By FAX, use the following number:
- Electronically to one of these e-mail addresses:
- IBMLink: to toribm(torrcf)
Be sure to include the following:
- The name of the book
- The publication number of the book
- The page number or topic to which your comment applies.