After you execute the BETADEMO.EXE, you should see two VARPG Java applications unpacked in your installation directory, they are: 1. eBKStore - The eBKStore application is the eBook Store ordering application which accesses remote AS/400 files. A savefile of the AS/400 library (EBOOK) is included in the application source directory. FTP or send the savefile to your AS/400 and restore the library to its original name, EBOOK. After you restore the EBOOK library, you will need to change the remote location to your AS/400 name. To change the remote location, open the application, on the builder's Server pull down select Define AS/400 Information and change the Remote Location. 2. eBKSTL - The eBKSTL application is the eBook Store ordering application which accesses local data files. There are three data files included in the application's RT_Java subdirectory, they are CUSTOMER.DAT, PRODUCT.DAT and ORDER.DAT. Both applications demonstrate a selection of GUI operations included with VARPG, access to AS/400 data bases as well as local data files. In addition, a Java method call to play an audio clip is introduced. The source file is included in the source directory for your reference only. INSTALL -------- To install these applications, use the VARPG Component Install Utility. To invoke the Component Install Utility, select Start -> Programs -> VisualAge RPG and CODE400 -> VisualAge for RPG -> Component Install Utility. Enter the following when the Component Install dialog display: - Install from directory : X:\Demo\eBKStore (assuming X is your CD drive location) and/or X: \Demo\eBKSTL - Target folder/project : Take the default or create your own folder (e.g. D:\adtswin\Demo, where you want to put the project folder) - Source directory : D:\Demo (where you want to put the source files for this application) COMPILING THE APPLICATION ------------------------------ You do not need to recompile the application if you use the Component Install Utility, however you are encouraged to do so in order to experience the different functions of VARPG. RUNNING THE APPLICATION ------------------------------ Open the application, run the application through one of the following ways: 1. In the builder, Project -> Run -> Java or 2. In the builder, click on the 'Run the Java version of the project' tool bar button or 3. On the project icon, right click to bring up the popup menu, select Run Java RUNNING THE APPLET ------------------------ VARPG does not support running applets that include local files, therefore the eBKSTL application cannot run as an applet. You can create an applet for the eBKStore application with remote files access. There are many ways of creating an applet, VARPG provides you with an easy way to test your applet. 1. Map a network drive to your AS/400 (you will require IBM Client Access for this) 2. Create a directory on your AS/400, e.g. K:\Applet (K is your AS/400 map directory) 3. Open the eBKStore application builder, from the menu pull down Project -> Builder options, select Java. In the Java Build Options dialog window, under the Applet group, fill in K:\Applet in the Directory for HTML and JAR files entry field and press the OK push button 4. Build the application for Java option 5. After the Build is completed, you should see a EBKSTORE.htm and EBKSTORE.jar files created in the K:\Applet directory, copy the following files from eBKStore's rt_Java directory to K:\Applet: *.gif (total of 21 files) JavaSound.class (1 file), NOTE: case sensitive for this file tada.wave (1 file) From the VARPG and CODE400 product's Java subdirectory (e.g. D:\ADTSWIN\JAVA) copy varpg.jar and varpgtb.jar to K:\Applet 6. If you do not have IBM Client Access, you can create a directory on your local hard drive and do 3 to 5 to you local hard drive and FTP to your AS/400 directory 7. Start your html browser (i.e. Netscape) and specify http://AS400/Applet/EBKSTORE.htm in the location field to run the EBKSTORE applet. For details regarding creating applets, please refer to the README file shipped with VARPG.