*********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1997. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** April 18, 1997 ** ** ** *********************************************************************** Welcome to Intelligent Miner* for AS400 Version 1.1.3 Program Number 5733-IM1 This README file contains information for the following products: IBM Intelligent Miner for AS400 Server ======================================================================= This file refers to a version updated from the 1.1.1 GA software. These changes include: o 5733-IM1 can be installed with these languages: - 2924 English SBCS Upper/Lower - 2928 French - 2931 Spanish - 2950 English SBCS Uppercase - 2962 Japanese - 2980 Brazilian Portuguese - 2986 Korean - 2987 Traditional Chinese - 2989 Simplified Chinese o DDCS is now an option rather than a requirement for creating mining bases. o No longer necessary to journal DB2 data sources. o Log files are written to IFS in the language of the user profile. o Updates to neural classification technique include improved accuracy and approximately 30% faster execution. o Mining techniques can now write output to DB2 tables. o Application mode is supported for all mining techniques. o Clustering demonstration program data was in codepage 819, preventing use of this sample. o The server job is submitted to the QSYS/QSYSNOMAX job queue rather than to QIDM/QYDMJOBQ. o Additional question/answer entries are include in this README. ======================================================================= 1.0 CONTENTS _____________ 2.0 IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ ME 2.1 Program Specifications 3.0 INSTALLATION NOTES 3.1 System Requirements 3.2 Installation Notes 4.0 USAGE NOTES 4.1 Starting the AS/400 Server 4.2 Ending the AS/400 Server 4.3 Accessing the Sample Mining Bases 4.4 Configuring DDCS on a Windows Client 4.5 Clearing Locked Mining Bases 4.6 Sharing Mining Bases 5.0 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 6.0 DOCUMENTATION 6.1 Corrections to publications 6.1.1 IBM Intelligent Miner User's Guide, SH12-6214 2.0 IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ ME ___________________________________________ This file contains important information about the Intelligent Miner for AS/400 server which may not be included in the IBM Intelligent Miner User's Guide, SH12-6213-01. For client information, refer to the README provided with the Intelligent Miner client software. 2.1 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS ___________________________ Program specifications are detailed in IBM Intelligent Miner for AS/400 Licensed Program Specifications, GH12-6279-00. You may send E-mail to datamining@vnet.ibm.com. The home page for the Intel- ligent Miner is http://www.software.ibm.com/data/intelli-mine. 3.0 INSTALLATION NOTES _______________________ The IBM Intelligent Miner is a client/server application. You must install the server as well as at least one of the supported clients. 3.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ________________________ AS/400 SERVER: An AS/400 Advanced Series RISC System is required. The Intelligent Miner for AS/400 requires approximately 50MB of disk storage. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Prerequisite Product | Version | Prog.No. | Comment | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | IBM OS/400 | V3R7 | 5716-SS1 | | | | | 97008 | CUM package | | | | SF35503 | PTF for RPC | | | | SF35672 | PTF for RPC | | | | SF35679 | PTF for RPC | | | | SF37428 | RPC (replaced SF37132) | | | | SF37135 | PTF for RPC | | | | SF38249 | PTF for RPC | | | | SF37376 | DB2 (replaced SF35984) | | | | SF37401 | DB2 (replaced SF35855) | | | | SF31766 | PTF for DB2400 | | | | SF37758 | DB2 (replaced SF34383) | | | | SF37010 | DB2 (replaced SF34380) | | | | 5716-999 | | | | | MF14407 | PTF for TCP | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ One of the following clients is required: AIX CLIENT: +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Prerequisite Product | Version | Prog.No. | Comment | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM AIX | 4.1 | 5765-393 | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM AIX Communications| 4.0 | 5765-652 | | | Server | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Products | Version | Prog.No. | Comment | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM AIX DDCS/6000 | 1.0 | 5765-197 | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM AIX DB2 Client | 2.1.1 | 5765-128 | | | Application Enabler | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ WINDOWS CLIENT: +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Prerequisite Product | Version/Release | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Microsoft Windows 95 | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | or | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Microsoft Windows NT | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Product | Version/Release | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | DDCS for Windows | 2.4 or higher | | | APAR JR09467 included in FIXPAK 8125 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ NOTE: Microsoft SNA server is not required or recommended. This is a cor- rection to the User's Guide. OS/2 CLIENT: +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Prerequisite Product | Version/Release | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM OS/2 Warp | 3.0 or higher | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM SNA Communications| 4.0 or higher | | Server | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Products | Version/Release | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM DDCS/2 | 2.3 or higher | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | IBM OS/2 DB2 Client | 2.1.1 or higher | | Application Enabler | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3.2 INSTALLATION NOTES _______________________ Install instructions are provided in the IBM Intelligent Miner User's Guide, Appendix B, Installing the IBM Intelligent Miner for AS/400. Before reinstalling or deleting the product, end the server process with the ENDIDM command. To install both program objects and language objects which match the primary language on your system: RSTLICPGM LICPGM(5733IM1) DEV(OPT01) To install both program objects and language objects which do not match the primary language on your system, specify the desired language identifier as shown: RSTLICPGM LICPGM(5733IM1) DEV(OPT01) LNG(2931) To install in a multiple language environment, restore the product with the desired language and specify that only the language objects are to be restored. RSTLICPGM LICPGM(5733IM1) DEV(OPT01) LNG(2924) RSTOBJ(*LNG) Follow installation instructions in the IBM Intelligent Miner User's Guide, Appendix B, for the desired client. Check the README provided with the client for any updated information. 4.0 USAGE NOTES ________________ Except where noted otherwise, these notes apply only to the AS400 server. The client readme includes information about each of the mining techniques, and about using the clients themselves. 4.1 STARTING THE AS/400 SERVER _______________________________ Before starting the Intelligent Miner server process, TCP/IP must be config- ured and running on the AS/400 server. Use CFGTCP for configuration, and STRTCP or STRTCPSVR for starting TCP server processes. Also, the RPC server process must be running. Start this server with 'STRNFSSVR *RPC'. To start the RPC server, the user profile must be included in the system distribution directory. Use WRKDIRE or ADDDIRE if needed. The user profile requires *IOSYSCFG authority to start RPC. Start the Intelligent Miner for AS/400 server with STRIDM. The user profile requires *JOBCTL authority to start IDM. This begins a job called QYDMIDMD in the QSYSWRK subsystem which is running a program named IDMD. It uses the QGPL/QDFTJOBD job description. This user profile must be able to read and write files to the home directory specified in the user profile when a client connects. Therefore, the user profile used to start the server should either have *ALLOBJ authority or be given specify authority to a home directory with the CHGAUT command. 4.2 ENDING THE AS/400 SERVER _____________________________ Use the ENDIDM command to end the server job before restoring or deleting the Intelligent Miner product. The user profile requires *JOBCTL authority to end IDM. 4.3 ACCESSING THE SAMPLE MINING BASES ______________________________________ Sample mining bases have been provided. Your home directory is used to store your personal mining bases. You can make a copy of the sample mining bases in any given directory by following these steps: 1. Determine which directory to install the samples. Invoke DSPUSRPRF MYPROF and record the value of your HOMEDIR parameter. In succeeding steps, this will be called /home/MYPROF. 2. Make sure this directory exists by calling WRKLNK '/home/MYPROF'. If it does not exist, create it by invoking CRTDIR '/home/MYPROF'. 3. Copy the sample mining bases to your directory. Invoke call qidm/qydmdemo '/home/MYPROF' This creates a directory called dmtksample, copies some data files into it, and seeds a mining base directory and results directory in dmtksample/idmmnb and dmtkstample/idmres respectively. These files contain explicit links to this directory and will not work if copied to another directory without the use of QIDM/QYDMDEMO. 4. Set your home directory to use the sample mining bases with this command: CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(MYPROF) HOMEDIR('/home/MYPROF/dmtksample') 5. Grant access to the user profile which will run the server job, if this user will not have *ALLOBJ authority. CHGAUT OBJ('/home/MYPROF/dmtksample') USER(imserver) + DTAAUT(*RWX) OBJAUT(*ALL) CHGAUT OBJ('/home/MYPROF/dmtksample/*') USER(imserver) + DTAAUT(*RWX) OBJAUT(*ALL) Repeat for the idmmnb and idmres subdirectories below dmktsample and the files they contain. 6. You may wish to reset your home directory when not using the sample mining bases. Refer to the IBM Intelligent Miner User's Guide, Chapter 2, Using the Sample Mining Bases for further information. 4.4 CONFIGURING DDCS ON A WINDOWS CLIENT _________________________________________ To configure Windows** clients with DDCS version 2.4, use the Data Sources Setup option. Refer to IBM Distributed Database Connection Services, S88H-9588-00, for complete instructions. A local SNA connection can be configured using the SmartGuide as follows: 1. Name Provide an alias and description of the database desired. NOTE: The Data Source Alias and Target Database must have the same value. Use WRKRDBDIRE to determine the name of the Relational Database with a Remote Location of *LOCAL. If this name is longer than 8 charac- ters, the local database name must be changed on the AS/400 to use the pre-processing functions. 2. Server Type DB2 for OS/400 3. Connection Direct 4. Protocol Communications Product: DDCS Integrated APPC Support Protocol: APPC(SNA) 5. This PC Network ID: Use DSPNETA to determine the Local Network ID on your server. Control Point: Provided by your LAN administrator for your PC. Local LU Name: Provided by your LAN administrator for your PC; usually same as Control Point. Node ID: Provided by your LAN administrator for your PC. Exchange ID 05D 00000. 6. Server Target Database: Use WRKRDBDIRE to determine the name of the Relational Database with a Remote Location of *LOCAL. NOTE: The Data Source Alias and Target Database must have the same value. Both values are limited to 8 characters since that is the maximum Alias length. Network ID: Use DSPNETA to determine the Local Network ID. Server LU: Use DSPNETA to determine the Default Local Location Name. Transaction program: 07F6C4C2 hex Session mode: IBMRDB NOTE: On redisplaying the values, QPCSUPP may overwrite this setting. Make sure your SmartGuide shows IBMRDB before completing. LAN Adapter Address: Use DSPLIND to determine your local adapter address. 7. Press Done. 8. Install 8125 Fixpak. Without this fixpak, you will not be able to create mining bases using DB2 data. Refer to the Question and Answer section or search on 8125 for installation tips. 9. Test the Connection you have just defined. If you get a CCSID conversion error, try changing the CCSID of your user profile to 37. 4.5 CLEARING LOCKED MINING BASES _________________________________ If you see a client message about a locked database, you may unlock the data- base by one of two methods. 1. Sign on to the server using the same user profile as the client. Invoke CALL QIDM/QYDMCLEAR to unlock mining bases in your home directory. call qidm/qydmclear '/home/MYPROF/dmtksample' 2. Use the WRKLNK command to display your home directory, and delete any files with an extension of .lck in the idmmnb and idmres subdirectories. A mining base is locked when a client begins to use it. When you see this message, it means another client session is already using the mining base. When that session ends normally, the mining base will be unlocked. There may be times when you see this message even when no other client session exists. Often this is an indication that the client closed a window using an operating system frame control (the X in Win95), rather than from an application menu pull-down or other application control. If, for example, you close a window rather than pressing the stop button to end a mining run, the routine which unlocks the mining base is not invoked. 4.6 SHARING MINING BASES _________________________ The user's guide describes how to define an environment variable to specify a shared mining base before starting the server. When the same user profile is logged in from more than one session, those sessions are sharing the mining base defined in the user profile's home directory. In both of these situ- ations, one or more users are sharing the same mining base. It is not recommended to create or use mining bases in shared mode. Use shared mode only to view saved results. 5.0 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS ___________________________ 1. This readme says it is for version 1.1.3; however, the the label on the CD-rom says version 1.1.1. How do I get version 1.1.3 code? There was a mixup between manufacturing and development and the labels on the CD's do not match the code. The CD labelled 1.1.1 contains 1.1.3 code. 2. When I try to start the RPC server with STRNFSSVR, I get a file system error with error message 3498. Your user profile is not enrolled in the system distribution directory. Use WRKDIRE to add a directory entry for this user profile. 3. How can I get more detailed information when errors occur? The server maintains an error log in your mining base directory. This file will be written in the language specified by your AS/400 user profile. To locate this file after a mining run has completed, click on the 'HELP' pulldown and select 'ERROR FILENAME'. A message window will display the name and path of the error log streamfile. 4. When I try to start the RPC server with STRNFSSVR, it says it did not start within the time alloted. Check to insure that the time allowed was sufficient. The job could really be started - use WRKSBSJOB QSYSWRK to look for the job QNFSRPCD. If it is not there, look for the job log created with WKROUTQ QEZJOBLOG or wherever your system puts its job logs. Look for a file with QNFSRPCD as the user data, and display it. Hopefully this will provide enough information about the problem for you to solve it. There is a known instance when you will see a message about a "Pointer not set for location referenced.' This could be a TCPIP configuration error. Check the configuration with CFGTCP; use option 12 to display the domain name and the local host name. Next make sure both the host table entries, option 10, include an entry for both the long and short form for your system's IP address. For example, if the information you get from option 12 is: Local domain name italy.ibm.com Local host name nc400 You should have two host name entries for your IP address in option 10: Internet Host Opt Address Name NC400 NC400.ITALY.IBM.COM One other possibility, particularly for systems on standalone networks, is to change the remote name server search sequence. Use option 13 on CFGTCP and change the Searched first parameter to *LOCAL. 5. How can I get more detailed information when errors occur? The server maintains an error log in your mining base directory. This file will be written in the language specified by your AS/400 user profile. To locate this file after a mining run has completed, click on the 'HELP' pulldown and select 'ERROR FILENAME'. A message window will display the name and path of the error log streamfile. Log onto the AS/400 server, and copy the stream file to a source physical file which you can browse. For example: CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/directory/file') + TOMBR('/QSYS.LIB/somelib.LIB/somefile.FILE/somembr.MBR') 6. I get a message stating the server is unable to authenticate the user, or cannot sign on to the server in general. Enter host userid and password in all capital letters on your client. The host User ID can have no more than eight characters. Make sure your Token Ring Line Description allows controllers to be autocreated - check the AUTOCRTCTL parm with DSPLIND. This message may also appear if the home directory specified in your AS/400 user profile does not exist, or if your user profile or that of the user profile running the server job does not have permission to access the files in that home directory. 7. A message is shown saying there are insufficient permissions to access a file or directory. Use WRKLNK to to make sure the directory or file exists, and insure the user accessing it has *RWX authority to directories and *RW to files. Both your user profile and the profile running the server job require these authorities. 8. I get a message stating a mining base is locked. Another user is currently using the mining base you selected. You may use it in read-only mode. If the lock should not exist, you can use the QIDM/QYDMCLEAR program to clear it. See the description of the QYDMCLEAR above. 9. When defining a mining base accessing DB2/400 data, I get a message saying there is no supported conversion from one CCSID to another. Change your user profile to CCSID 37 and retry. 10. When I use QYDMDEMO to create sample mining bases, no mining bases are created in my home directory. Use QYDMDEMOC instead of QYDMDEMO. Note this program takes the same parameters, but does not return completion messages. 11. When I use QYDMCLEAR to clear mining base locks, there are still locks remaining in my directory. Use QYDMCLRC instead of QYDMCLEAR. Note this program takes the same parameters, but does not return completion messages. 12. I'm using a Win95 or NT client and get a data conversion error while setting up a DB2 mining base. There is an APAR available for DDCS to fix this problem, JR09467. It is included in fixpak 8115B. For assistance obtaining the correct fixes for the DB2 product you have installed, you should contact DB2 support at 1-800-992-4777. Public fixpak 8125, which includes private fixpak 8115B, should be available from http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2tech/db2nt95v21.html sometime in March, 1997. Should 8125 not be available when you need it, contact product support for instructions. 13. I was able to create and mine using DB2 data, but now I can't. After a long time, I get an SQL30081N communications error. Most likely you will get the same error if you try the test function in the DB2 Data Sources Setup smartguide. Get the value used for your PC's control point from the smartguide, and check the status of the communi- cations controller with this statement: WRKCFGSTS CFGTYPE(*CTL) CFGD(controlpoint) If the controller status is failed; vary it off, and then vary it back on. If your pc is still trying to connect, you will see the controller attach to your server's line and its status will change to active. 14. Do I really need DDCS on my client? No. Set an environment variable to bypass the use of DDCS Client Appli- cation Enabling software and instead use new function provided by the Intelligent Miner. Windows users enter this line in their AUTOEXEC.BAT file: set IDM_CLI_USED= AIX client users run this in their Cshell typescript: setenv IDM_BYPASS_IM_CLIENT_CAE 1 15. With my Windows client, I cannot see the results of a mining run. With IDM_DEBUG set on, I see a message that says "out of environment space". Check the size of the environment settings by looking at your CONFIG.SYS file. There should be an entry like this: SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:32768 If there is no "/E" setting or the value is smaller than 32768, change the SHELL statement so it sets the environment size to 32768. 16. My results are written to a stream file in my /idmres directory. How do I display them? Use CPYFRMSTMF to copy stream files to source physical files. Results cannot be written directly to database files with version 1.1.1, but can with later versions. 17. How do I mine data in a source physical file? Use CPYTOSTMF to create stream files from source physical files. 18. I'm having problems with some of the Pre-Processing functions. The Discretization into Quantiles, Discretization using Ranges, and Pivot Fields to Records Pre-Processing functions cannot write records into views, only tables. 19. Using the Process Data function, I defined a table to be processed. When I try to use it, I get an error saying there is no data in the table. Use upper case names when defining tables and schemas for processing functions. Lowercase definitions will cause files to be created in the library with double-quotes surrounding the name. 20. I'm getting server timeouts in the Pre-Processing panels. Is there a faster way to specify the data sources? Click on the Pre-Processing source input select rather than setting the Database Server name. You can then click on "symbolic name" which will allow you to select one of the DB2 table sources that you can specify with the "specify source input" button on the main panel. This can help avoid server timeout problems also, or you can alter the IDM_CS_TIMEOUT variable also. 21. I'm getting error messages stating that the client is unable to connect to the server, especially when it seems my network is slow. You can increase the server timeout setting so that it will wait longer. Windows users enter this line in their AUTOEXEC.BAT file: set IDM_CS_TIMEOUT=30 AIX clients using csh will do: setenv IDM_CS_TIMEOUT 30 6.0 DOCUMENTATION __________________ These publications may be useful to customers using the the IBM Intelligent Miner for AS/400: SH12-6213-01 Intelligent Miner User's Guide SH12-6214-01 Intelligent Miner Application Programming Interface and Utility Reference S88H-9588-00 IBM Distributed Database Connection Services for Windows** Getting Started GG24-4311-00 Distributed Relational Database Cross Platform Connectivity and Application SC41-4711-01 Integrated File System Introduction 6.1 CORRECTIONS TO PUBLICATIONS ________________________________ 6.1.1 IBM INTELLIGENT MINER USER'S GUIDE, SH12-6214 Corrections to the section titled "Software Requirements" under "Installing the IBM Intelligent Miner for AS/400": o Microsoft SNA Server is neither required nor recommended. o DDCS for Windows is supported but not required. Refer elsewhere within this readme to find the appropriate environment variable setting for your client if you do not wish to obtain, install, and configure DDCS. Correction to the section titled "File Specification" under the topic "Dif- ferentiating Symbolic and File Names": Both stream files and DB2 data can be mined. If you wish to create a stream file from a DB2 data file member, use CPYTOSTMF with the syntax shown.