Prior to uploading diagnostic and/or testcase data using any of the listed upload methods, it is recommended that file names be prefixed with the "PMR" (IBM support call) number.
Prefixing the file name(s) with the "PMR" number expedites the delivery of the data and/or testcase to the support team and improves the response and resolution times of the issue being reported.
Once the data has been collected and packaged, follow the instructions for the upload option (below) that works best for the environment and geography.
This North American based upload server is available for all customers. Due to its geographic location, uploading to this server may be easier and faster for North American based customers. For customers located in other countries or customers with strict firewall or workstation policies, using the Global ECuRep Upload Server (Option #2) may be a better solution (use this option when other options are not operational).
A. Secure Upload (HTTPS)
Using the secure IBM ID and password provided by your IBM account team or representative, data can be uploaded from a secure browser connection using the URL:
B. Traditional FTP Upload
Each file or multiple files can be uploaded using a traditional FTP site by typing these instructions from a command prompt:
Before uploading, create a brand new directory, copy all the files to be uploaded to the new directory, tar up, compress and upload as below:
# tar -cvf - FILES_TO_UPLOAD | compress -c > PMR.#.tar.Z
# is a sequence number like 1, 2 etc. or the date to ensure each file placed on the testcase server is unique
# ftp
login: anonymous
cd /toibm/aix
put PMR.#.tar.Z
The primary web page for the Global ECuRep Upload Server:
provides complete details for uploading data using the Global ECuRep Upload services. The three most common methods for uploading data are:
A. Secure Upload (HTTPS)
To upload data using a secured browser connection, follow the instructions provided on the web page:
B. Traditional Upload (HTTP)
To upload data using a traditional browser connection, follow the instructions provided on the web page:
C. Traditional FTP Upload
To upload data using a traditional FTP connection, follow the instructions provided on this web page:
US Federal Health Care regulations require US service companies to provide secure upload servers to protect personal information.
US based customers in the health care industry who have registered for this service can upload data to the Blue Diamond Upload Server: