=========================================================================== * * IBM VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0 * 5765-F56-00 * * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 2004. All Rights Reserved. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * =========================================================================== This README file contains the latest information about VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0 that was not available for our printed publications or our on-line help. The latest information about installing VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0 with License Use Management (LUM) can be found in /usr/vacpp/README.password. PLEASE READ THIS FILE BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT. By using VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0, you agree to the terms of the license information. The License Information document is available as a PDF file and can be found in /usr/vacpp/pdf/en_US/license.pdf. You will need to install Adobe Acrobat** Reader 3.0 or later to view the file. You can download the reader from the Adobe website at http://www.adobe.com. Note: IBM VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0 is licensed based on a charge unit of one authorized user. The Program may be stored on more than one machine, provided that the Program is not in active use on more than one machine at the same time. An authorized user is an individual or specific named user authorized to have access to the program or any portion of the program. The Proof of Entitlement for this program is evidence of your authorization. Each individual or specific named user must obtain a Proof of Entitlement. =============== README CONTENTS 1.0 Corrections to the Documentation 1.1 makeC++SharedLib and -qmkshrobj 1.2 Accepted/Ignored suboptions to -qlanglvl 1.3 New suboptions to -qlanglvl 1.4 -qipa=pdfname=filename 1.5 -qpdf 1.6 #pragma map 1.7 #pragma option_override (April 2004 PTF) 1.8 -qeh 1.9 Tempinc implementation file extension 1.10 New Suboptions for -qshowinc 1.11 C compiler no longer supporting "inline" under -qlanglvl=extended 1.12 Two new pragmas that deal with templates: #pragma instantiate, #pragma do_not_instantiate 1.13 xlCcore: linking to run-time library with only C++ core language support 1.14 Addition of Support for -qweaksymbol Option 1.15 Support of -qroptr (read-only pointers) Option 1.16 Changes to -qnamemangling=ansi Option 1.17 New Option -Wm for Link Order Initialization of Static and Global Objects 2.0 Documentation Issues 2.1 Viewing Documentation 2.2 Browser Settings 2.3 Distributed Debugger Online Help 2.4 IMNSearch 2.5 -qdatalocal=names and -qdataimported=names 3.0 Miscellaneous 3.1 -lpthreads removed from non-threadsafe stanzas 3.2 Installation fails due to IMNSearch or LUM 3.3 Export Temporaries 3.4 Using USL I/O stream with C99 clog function 3.5 Deployment Considerations 4.0 Other Sources of Information 4.1 Product Home Page 5.0 Operating System Migration from AIX Version 4.3.3 to AIX Version5.1/5.2 6.0 August 2004 VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, V6.0 PTF 6.1 OS Support 6.2 Configuration File Updates and Operating System Migration 7.0 October 2004 VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, V6.0 PTF ====================================================================== 1.0 Corrections to the Documentation ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 makeC++SharedLib and -qmkshrobj -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table shows equivalent options between makeC++SharedLib and -qmkshrobj: +-------------------------+---------------------+ | makeC++SharedLib option | xlC option | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | -p nnn | -qmkshrobj=nnn | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | -e file_name | -qexpfile=file_name | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | -E export_file | -bE:export_file | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | -I import_file | -bI:import_file | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | -x | -qnolib | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | -X 32|64 | -q32|-q64 | +-------------------------+---------------------+ | -n entry_point | -e entry_point | +-------------------------+---------------------+ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Accepted/Ignored suboptions to -qlanglvl -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following -qlanglvl suboptions are accepted but ignored by the C compiler. Use -qlanglvl=extended, -qlanglvl=extc99, or -qlanglvl=extc89 to enable the functions that these suboptions imply. For other values of -qlanglvl, the functions implied by these suboptions are disabled. a) [no]gnu_assert GNU C portability option. b) [no]gnu_explicitregvar GNU C portability option. c) [no]gnu_include_next GNU C portability option. d) [no]gnu_locallabel GNU C portability option. e) [no]gnu_warning GNU C portability option. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 New suboptions to -qlanglvl -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following -qlanglvl suboptions are new for the C++ compiler: a) [no]gnu_assert - GNU C portability option to enable or disable support for the following GNU C system identification assertions: #assert, #unassert, #cpu, #machine, #system b) [no]gnu_explicitregvar - GNU C portability option to control whether the compiler accepts and ignores the specification of explicit registers for variables. c) [no]gnu_include_next - GNU C portability option to enable or disable support for the GNU C #include_next preprocessor directive. d) [no]gnu_locallabel - GNU C portability option to enable or disable support for locally-declared labels. e) [no]gnu_warning - GNU C portability option to enable or disable support for the GNU C #warning preprocessor directive. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 -qipa=pdfname=filename -------------------------------------------------------------------- The -qipa compiler option includes a new suboption with the following syntax: -qipa=pdfname=filename This option specifies the name of the profile data file containing the PDF profiling information. If you do not specify a filename, the compiler uses ._pdf as the default file name. The profile is placed in the current working directory or in the directory named by the PDFDIR environment variable. This lets you do simultaneous runs of multiple executables using the same PDFDIR, which can be useful when tuning with PDF on dynamic libraries. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5 -qpdf1 / -qpdf2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The -qpdf1 / -qpdf2 documentation should be changed as follows. a) Disregard any references to -lpdf in the documentation. b) You must specify at least the -O2 level of optimization when using the -qpdf option. For best performance, use the -O3, -O4, or -O5 optimization levels. c) Do not compile or run two different applications that use the same PDFDIR directory at the same time, unless you have used the -qipa=pdfname suboption to distinguish the sets of profiling information. d) The showpdf utility is not supported. e) The resetpdf utility, found in /usr/xlopt/bin, can be used to reset all profiling information to zeros. The profiling data files are not removed, and remain in the pathname directory or in the PDFDIR directory if the pathname is not specified, or in the current directory if PDFDIR is not set. When you make changes to the application and recompile some files, the profiling information for those files is automatically reset because the changes may alter the program flow. Run resetpdf to reset the profiling information for the entire application after you make significant changes that may change execution counts for parts of the program that were not recompiled. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.6 #pragma map -------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note the following corrections and additions to the #pragma map documentation. In the Syntax section, the following note should be added to the description for the "name" variable: "In C++ programs, if linking into a C++ name (a name that will have C++ linkage signature, which is the default signature in C++), please specify the mangled name (see example 3)." In the Notes section, the last line in the list of items you should not map with #pragma map should read: "Functions with built-in linkage." In the Examples section, replace the examples with the following: Example 1 (C) int funcname1() { return 1; } #pragma map( func, "funcname1" ) // maps::func to funcname1 int main() { return func(); // no function prototype needed in C } Example 2 (C++) extern "C" int funcname1() { return 0; } extern "C" int func(); // function prototypes needed in C++ #pragma map( func, "funcname1" ) // maps ::func to funcname1 int main() { return func(); } Example 3 (C++) #pragma map( foo, "bar__Fv" ) int foo(); // function prototypes needed in C++ int main() { return foo(); } int bar() {return 7;} Note: The user can avoid using the mangled name "bar_FV" by declaring "bar" as having C linkage (see example 4) Example 4 (C++) #pragma map( foo, "bar" ) int foo(); //function prototypes needed in C++ int main() { return foo(); } extern "C" int bar() {return 7;} -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 #pragma option_override (April 2004 PTF) -------------------------------------------------------------------- This change applies to C and C++ and now reads as follows: Description The #pragma option_override directive lets you specify alternate optimization options to apply to specific functions. Syntax +-,------------+ V | >>-#--pragma--option_override--(--func_name----"--option--"-+--)->< Corresponding Command Line Settings and Syntax for #pragma Option Setting option_override option ------------------------------------------------------------- -O, -O2, -O3, -O4, -O5 opt(level, number) -qspill=number opt(registerSpillSize, number) -qcompact opt(size[,yes]) -qnocompact opt(size,no) -qstrict opt(strict) -qnostrict opt(strict,no) Example #pragma option_override (func_name, "opt(registerSpillSize,512)") -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8 -qeh -------------------------------------------------------------------- The -qeh compiler option includes two new suboptions with the following syntax: -qeh=v5 -qeh=v6 The v5 suboption instructs the compiler to generate exception handling code that is the compatible with VisualAge C++ for AIX, Version 5.0. The v6 suboption instructs the compiler to generate new exception handling code that correctly handles a try-catch block nested within another catch block. The default for the compiler is -qeh=v5. When -qeh is specified without any suboption, -qeh=v5 is used. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.9 Tempinc implementation file extension -------------------------------------------------------------------- When using the tempinc option to efficiently handle multiple instantiations in different files, the template implementations must be separated from the header file. The default tempinc implementation file name has been expanded from just "template_header_name.c" to include the file extensions ".t" and ".T". The first one found (searched in the order ".c", ".t", ".T") will be the file used. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.10 New Suboptions for -qshowinc -------------------------------------------------------------------- Suboptions have been added to the -qshowinc option as follows: -qshowinc: Include all of the included files in the source listing. -qnoshowinc: Do not include any of the included files in the source listing. -qshowinc=:: ... The available suboptions are: all same as -qshowinc usr include only the user header files sys include only the system header files -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.11 C compiler no longer supporting "inline" under -qlanglvl=extended -------------------------------------------------------------------- The C compiler previously supported the "inline" keyword with -qlanglvl=extended and -qlanglvl=extc89 options. This support is no longer available by default for these language levels. If you need to use the "inline" keyword under these language levels, specify the -qkeyword=inline option. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.12 Two new pragmas that deal with templates: #pragma instantiate, #pragma do_not_instantiate -------------------------------------------------------------------- Two new pragmas that deal with templates have been added, #pragma instantiate The #pragma instantiate directive causes a specific instance of a template declaration to be immediately instantiated. Use this pragma if you are migrating existing code. If you are writing new code, use the standard C++ explicit instantiation. The syntax of the #pragma instantiate directive is as follows: #pragma instantiate entity where entity is a class template-id #pragma do_not_instantiate The #pragma do_not_instantiate directive suppresses the instantiation of a specified entity. It is typically used to suppress the implicit instantiation of an entity for which a definition is supplied. The syntax of the #pragma do_not_instantiate directive is as follows: #pragma do_not_instantiate entity where entity is a class template-id -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.13 xlCcore: linking to run-time library with only C++ core language support -------------------------------------------------------------------- This feature is intended for users who use third party (non IBM) C++ Standard Library implementations. The C++ core language run-time library is required for proper functioning of C++ core language features such as exception handling, operator new, RTTI, static initialization. The following commands have been added: xlCcore, xlC128core, xlCcore_r, xlC128core_r, xlCcore_r7, xlC128core_r7 Use one of these commands when you want your application to be linked to the C++ core language run-time library but you do not want your application to be linked to IBM-supplied standard C++ libraries (such as iostreams) that are not required for core language support. To ensure the proper header files are included and symbols are resolved from the third party shared library. specify the third party C++ library header files in the include path and link to third party shared library. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.14 Addition of Support for -qweaksymbol Option -------------------------------------------------------------------- On AIX Version 5.1 with APAR IY31207 or AIX Version 5.2, you may use -qweaksymbol to enable generation of weak symbols. -qweaksymbol: enable generation of weak symbols -qnoweaksymbol: disable generation of weak symbols (default) When -qweaksymbol option is turned on, the compiler generates weak symbols for the following: a) inline functions with external linkage You may use the -qweaksymbol option when compiling C++ programs containing extern inline functions to suppress the linker messages of: ld: 0711-224 WARNING: Duplicate symbol: b) identifiers specified as weak with #pragma weak or functions specified as weak with __attribute__((weak)) 1. #pragma weak id If id is defined in the same compilation unit, it makes id a weak definition. If id is not defined in the same compilation unit, it makes references to id weak references. 2. #pragma weak id1=id2 Defines id1 as a weak global symbol, and references to id1 will use the value of id2. For C++ functions, id, id1, and id2 must be specified using mangled names. #pragma weak may not be used for member functions. 3. __attribute__((weak)) If the function is defined, make it a weak definition. If it is only referenced, make all references weak references. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.15 Support of -qroptr (read-only pointers) Option -------------------------------------------------------------------- On AIX Version 5.2 with APAR IY49415, you may use -qroptr to enable read-only pointers (address constants) to be moved from the .data section to the .text section. The .text section is always read-only and is never modified by either the loader or by an application. Since .text is shared among multiple processes, but .data is not, a reduction in memory usage is possible when a move has been made of an application's constant pointers using -qroptr. This option is not supported for linked libraries, ie. code that links into a share library. -qroptr: enable read-only pointers to be moved to the .text section -qnoroptr: leave read-only pointers in the .data section (default) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.16 Change to -qnamemangling=ansi Option -------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Function parameter list mangling for repeated parameters of the same function parameter type has changed under -qnamemangling=ansi option. Repeated parameters of the same function parameter type are mangled according to the compressed encoding scheme as following: ::= T [_] #single repeat of a previous parameter ::= N [_] #2-9 repetitions where indicates the previous parameter number, which is repeated. It is followed by an '_' if contains multiple digits. must be greater than 1 and less than 10. If an argument is repeated more than 9 times, this rule is applied multiple times. For example, a sequence of 38 parameters that are the same as parameter 1 mangles to "N91N91N91N91N21". Under -qnamemangling=ansi scheme change, repeated function parameters now ignore top-level cv-qualifiers when they are compared to determine if they have the same type. b) Previously, the mangling of non-type integral template arguments was written as a 32-bit unsigned decimal number and prefixed by 'SP'. Due to ambiguities introduced by this in mangling 64-bit values, this scheme has been changed for -qnamemangling=ansi: ::= SM #value of INT_MIN ::= SP #positive integral argument ::= SN #negative integral argument When a non-type integral template argument is positive, the number is prefixed with SP. When a non-type integral template argument is negative, the number is prefixed with SN, and the decimal number is written without the minus sign. There is no limit in the range of decimal numbers which can be represented. This breaks binary compatibility with templates using negative non-type integral arguments other than INT_MIN, as well as positive integral values, which cannot be represented in a 32-bit quantity. To preserve binary compatibility, namemangling scheme prior to this change may be obtained by specifying -qnamemangling=v6 option or corresponding #pragma namemangling(v6). -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.17 New Option -Wm for Link Order Initialization of Static and Global Objects -------------------------------------------------------------------- By default, static objects are initialized in the order of priority specified by #pragma priority or the -qpriority option. The order of initialization is nondeterministic for static and global objects of the same priority level. The new -Wm option and its two suboptions: -c and -r, allow users to change the default initialization method. a) The -Wm,-c option will instruct the compiler to perform the link order initialization. This means that static and global objects of the same priority level will be initialized in the order in which they were encountered during the linking phase. b) The -Wm,-r option is the opposite of the -Wm,-c option. It will instruct the compiler to perform the reverse link order initialization. Static and global objects of the same priority level will be initialized in the opposite order in which they were encountered during the linking phase. ====================================================================== 2.0 Documentation Issues ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Viewing Documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation is in HTML format and must be viewed with a frames-capable HTML browser. Documentation is also available in PDF format. To start the HTML help system, invoke "/usr/vacpp/bin/vacpphelp". This tool is contained in the vacpp.html.help fileset. Note: Certain versions of Netscape Communicator have a well-known problem with HTML frames when they are first loaded. According to Netscape, you should restart the browser to make subsequent calls to framesets will display properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Browser Settings -------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Ensure that the environment SOCKS_NS is not set. b) Your browser must not have proxy handling for the localhost port. Ensure you turn off proxy handling for localhost in your browser. In Netscape 4 (Communicator): 1. Select Edit... Preferences.. 2. Double-click Advanced in the Category tree 3. Click Proxies in the Advanced subtree 4. Click View at the Manual Proxy Configuration selection 5. Type: localhost:49213 in the "Exceptions... Do not use proxy servers for domains beginning with" box. If you have other entries here, separate the new entry with a comma. 6. Click OK, then click OK to exit the Preferences Window. c) If you experience a problem installing the IMNSearch component, completely remove the component and re-install. Do not rely on installp -u to clean up everything, such as "group" creates. Note: This only applies to new installs of the IMNSearch component. If you have a previous version of the IMNSearch component, you should not remove the component before trying to re-install. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Distributed Debugger Online Help -------------------------------------------------------------------- a) To access the Distributed Debugger online help that is specific to this product, ensure that the product name is selected in the Select product context dialog box. To access this dialog box, select Change Product Context from the Distributer Debugger's Help pull-down menu. b) When using an English version of Netscape to view Japanese or Simplified Chinese versions of the Distributed Debugger online help, fly-over help may be corrupted when it is used over the navigation bar of the online help. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 IMNSearch -------------------------------------------------------------------- In the "Getting Started" and "Memo to Users" documentation under the section about filesets required for the Online Help, the IMNSearch filesets are shipped with the AIX operating system. The latest level of the IMNSearch filesets should be obtained and installed prior to installing the VisualAge C++ for AIX product. For convenience, a version of IMNSearch is available on the CD-ROM. See Section 3.2 in this README file. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 -qdatalocal=names and -qdataimported=names -------------------------------------------------------------------- The documentation states the following: -qdatalocal=names marks the named variables as local, where names is a list of identifiers separated by colons (:). -qdataimported=names marks the named variables as imported, where names is a list of identifiers separated by colons (:). The default is not changed. The documentation should also indicate that the names should be specified with their mangled variable name. For example: struct C { static int i; } To specify C::i is local data, the option -qdatalocal=i__1C should be used. The same name should also be used for -qproclocal -qprocimported and -qprocunknown. ====================================================================== 3.0 Miscellaneous ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------- 3.1 -lpthreads removed from non-threadsafe stanzas -------------------------------------------------- -lpthreads has been removed from the xlC and xlC128 stanza's within the configuration file. This is a change in behaviour from VisualAge C++ for AIX, V5.0. -------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Installation fails due to IMNSearch or LUM -------------------------------------------------- Installation fails due to missing or down level of IMNSearch or LUM filesets on system. For convenience, a version of IMNSearch and LUM are available with this product on the CD-ROM. However, the version on the CD may not be the latest version. It is recommended that the latest version be installed on your system. To install LUM from the CD, insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Mount the CD-ROM as follows: a) As root, invoke "smit". b) Select "System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage)", press the "enter" key. c) Select "File Systems", press the "enter" key. d) Select "Add / Change / Show / Delete File Systems", press the "enter" key. e) Select "CDROM File Systems", press the "enter" key. f) Select "Add a CDROM File System", press the "enter" key. g) Enter the "DEVICE" name (e.g. "cd0"). h) Enter the "MOUNT POINT" where you would like to mount the CD-ROM (e.g. "/cdrom"). i) Press the "enter" key. j) Exit "smit". The IMNSearch installp images are available in the sub-directory "IMNSearch" indicated by the mount point of the CD-ROM (e.g. "/cdrom/IMNSearch".) The LUM installp images are available in the sub-directory "lum" indicated by the mount point of the CD-ROM (e.g. "/cdrom/lum".) -------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Exporting Temporaries -------------------------------------------------- The compiler incorrectly exported temporary variables. As of, the compiler no longer exports temporary variables. -------------------------------------------------- 3.4 Using USL I/O stream with C99 clog function -------------------------------------------------- The C run-time library in AIX version 5.2 now supports the C99 complex functions. These include a function called clog (i.e. the complex logarithm), which has the same name as the USL ::clog stream (see footnote below). The clog function resides in the math library libm.a. The compiler's default configuration file links libm.a after libC.a so that the USL ::clog stream is available by default; the C99 clog function is not available in this configuration. The reverse would happen if you change the link order by explicitly specifying libm.a before the C++ library on the command line. The following are possible scenarios in your application: 1) The C99 clog function is not used. The compiler's default configuration file would work. If you specify libraries on the linker command line, make sure libm.a is linked after the C++ libraries. 2) C code that uses C99 clog() is linked with C++ code that doesn't use the USL ::clog stream. Make sure that libm.a is linked before the C++ libraries, for example by specifying -lm to the link step. 3) C code that uses C99 clog() is linked with C++ code that uses the USL ::clog stream. This is a limitation due to the introducing of the C99 clog function. Try the following as workarounds. a. Change the application to use the C++ std I/O stream. The std name space separates std::clog stream from C99 clog(). b. Avoid using C99 clog(). Use the other elementary functions and formulae as substitute if the algorithm permits. c. Change the application to avoid using the USL ::clog stream and use other streams instead. Note: The USL I/O stream class library was part of the IBM Open Class Library in previous releases. Please refer to the IBM Open Class Library Transistion Guide for more information. -------------------------------------------------- 3.5 Deployment Considerations -------------------------------------------------- When an application is built and linked to the run-time, it must use that level of the run-time or later when deployed. ====================================================================== 4.0 Other Sources of Information ====================================================================== ---------------------- 4.1 Product Home Page ---------------------- For the latest information about VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0, see the VisualAge C++ home page at: http://www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/vacpp =========================================================================== 5.0 Operating System Migration from AIX Version 4.3.3 to AIX Version5.1/5.2 =========================================================================== DURING AN OPERATING SYSTEM MIGRATION, USERS ARE REQUIRED TO PERFORM TWO STEPS TO ENSURE VISUALAGE C++ WILL CONTINUE TO OPERATE CORRECTLY. THIS IS DUE TO THE LIMITATION OF THE AIX MIGRATION PROCESS. The VisualAge C++ product contains a number of filesets specific to the operating system level which are not contained on the AIX media. Therefore, after migrating from an earlier version of AIX to AIX 5L Version 5.1, users will be required to manually install the AIX 5L versions of the filesets from the VisualAge C++ media. Only the filesets which are required by the users need to be installed. These filesets are: memdbg.aix50.adt vacpp.cmp.aix50.lib vacpp.cmp.aix50.tools vacpp.memdbg.aix50.lib vacpp.memdbg.aix50.rte xlopt.aix50.lib xlsmp.aix50.rte After the migration, if there exist AIX 4.3.3 versions of the above filesets but the AIX 5L versions are missing, you will be required to install them. ======================================================================== 6.0 August 2004 VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, V6.0 PTF ======================================================================== --------------- 6.01 OS Support --------------- IBM VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX now runs on AIX 5L for POWER V5.3. ------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 Configuration File Updates and Operating System Migration ------------------------------------------------------------- If you were using a previous version of the AIX operating system and you want to migrate to the new version, you need to manually update the configuration file symbolic link to point to the matching OS-specific configuration file after OS migration. You must have root user access to link the file. You can update the configuration file by performing the following command: ln -fs /etc/vac.cfg.OS_Level /etc/vac.cfg Where OS_level can be any of the following: * 51 * 52 * 53 If you have made any customization to the configuration file for the previous version and you want the changes to take effect in the new version, you should make the same customization for the new version. ============================================================= 7.0 October 2004 VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, V6.0 PTF ============================================================= The IBM VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0 October 2004 PTF contains no documentation updates or errata.