# /****************************************************************************/ # /****************************************************************************/ # /** **/ # /** IBM 7137 DISK ARRAY SUBSYSTEM MAINTENANCE MICROCODE SUB DIRECTORY **/ # /** **/ # /** This README.txt file defines the microcode load ID and release level **/ # /** of any maintenance level releases for 7137 Disk Array Microcode. **/ # /** **/ # /** Information found in this sub directories is subject to: **/ # /** **/ # /** Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994, 1996 **/ # /** Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM, All Rights Reserved. **/ # /** **/ # /** Note to US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, **/ # /** or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. **/ # /** **/ # /****************************************************************************/ # /****************************************************************************/ This sub directory contains the current 7137 controller ram code files. For instructions on downloading code, refer to your host system attach guide. For the current download code programs, download the current support code for your host system. Go to this directory's parent directory and then go to one of the following directories. HP9000 - FC2007 or FC2008 NCR (ATT)- FC2011 RISC6000 - RISC6000 Sun - FC2010 Refer to the README.txt file in each directory for information on which files contain the latest support code. Code file naming convention: The first three characters are the last three of the code load id. The next five characters are the last five of the code release level. All code file names must end with lower case ".wb". Use 7137 operator panel command 146D to display the current load id and 147D to display the current release level. # /****************************************************************************/ # Sub Directory Content: 63A0002C.wb 3514 Disk Array Subsystem controller microcode load ID A090063A, release level 0000002C. Released 06/10/96. 63C0012A.wb 7137 Disk Array Subsystem controller microcode load ID A090063C, release level 0000012A. Released 06/17/96. 63E00011.wb 7137 Disk Array Subsystem controller microcode load ID A090063E, release level 00000011. Released 08/14/96. 63C0012D.wb 7137 Disk Array Subsystem controller microcode load ID A090063C, release level 0000012D. Released 11/11/96, current level. 63E00014.wb 7137 Disk Array Subsystem controller microcode load ID A090063E, release level 00000014. Released 11/11/96, current level.