7137 Control Card Installation Instructions

7137 Control Card Installation Instructions


Table of Contents

Purpose and Description

Machines Affected

21H1506 Bill of Material Contents

System Dependant Steps

7137 Controller Card Microcode Package

RS/6000 Systems Control Card Installation Instruction

HP Systems Control Card Installation Instruction

  • HP-UX 10.x Instruction
  • HP-UX 9.04
  • SUN Systems Control Card Installation Instruction

    Appendix A. Microcode via Internet Access

  • Microcode Via a Web Browser
  • Microcode Via FTP

  • Purpose and Description

    The current level Control Card PN 21H1506 may not work in 7137 Subsystems without the correct level of Control Card microcode. The enclosed diskette contains all the necessary microcode, and the instructions with the proper steps to make the 7137 Subsystem operational. If the system is connected to the Internet, the code can be pulled down instead of being copied from diskette.

    Machines Affected

    To determine if you need to use this procedure for the 7137 that requires a Control Card change:

    1. Follow the 7137 Service Manual for changing the Control Card.
      7137 Service Information
      Chapter 4, Service Procedures
      Exchanging FRU Procedures
      Controller Card or Write Cache Card

    2. If the 7137 displays
      B000 or
      B0005mmm or
      71375mmm or
      7137ktpx then
      the 7137 is operational and these procedures do not need to be used.
      End Of Procedure

    3. If the 7137 stops and displays


      you will need to follow these instructions to make the 7137 operational.

    Note: If you are not sure and need assistance, contact your next level of support.

    21H1506 Bill of Material Contents

    This Bill of Material contains the following:

    System Dependant Steps

    If possible, determine the hardware address of the 7137 prior to installing the new card or powering off your system for service.

    RS/6000, HP, and Sun each have their unique instruction.

    7137 Controller Card Microcode Package

    The required 7137 Disk Array Controller Microcode Update Package can be install 2 different ways:

    Note: For Sun, refer to the respective system user manuals for more information on the methods available for installing a system package.

    RS/6000 Systems Control Card Installation Instruction

    1. Log on to the system as:


      The password for root may have to be obtained from the system administrator.

    2. Record the target address of the failing 7137.

      lsdev -Cc disk

      This will report "hdisk<x> Available 00-01-01-5,0" for oslevels other than 3.2.5. In this example the target address of the 7137 is 5. The resource associated with target address 5 is hdisk<x> where 'x' is a variable.

      For a 3.2.5 oslevel the lsdev -Cc disk command will report "hdisk<x> Available 00-01-01-50" for a 7137 with target address 5.

    3. Change directory

      cd /usr/lpp/7137

    4. Install the RS/6000 microcode diskette supplied with the controller card into the Diskette Drive and perform step 5, or see Appendix A. "Microcode via Internet Access" for methods of obtaining the microcode from the internet.

    5. From the /usr/lpp/7137 prompt, issue the following command:

      tar -xvf /dev/fd0 6000dnld 63e00014.wb

    6. Run the configuration manager to rescan all connected devices.


    7. Once configuration manager has completed, verify the resource name of the 7137 with the new level controller card.

      lsdev -Cc disk

      Note: If problems are encountered during cfgmgr, check the address of the adapter(s) to which the 7137 is connected and the SCSI target address of the 7137 (using quick command '01'). Being that the 7137 has not loaded VPD information due to the degraded mode, the controller card has retained the previous SCSI target address at which it was tested during manufacturing. If the new controller card has the same address as some other adapter on the bus, you will have to change the address of that adapter using SMIT on the system containing the adapter causing the SCSI address conflict.

    8. From the /usr/lpp/7137 directory, run the code download program. The resource name of the 7137 with the new controller card will be required. This was identified in step 7 and can be any 'hdisk<x>' name associated with the 7137. Generally, the hdisk associated with LUN 0 is used.

      6000dnld hdisk<x> c ./63e00014.wb

      Note: Any errors generated while the program executes can be ignored. The program is reporting the error conditions it is recovering from while executing the program. When the statement "23 32KB buffers were transferred" is displayed, the program has successfully downloaded new controller code. The 7137 should reset and display

      B000 or
      B0005mmm or
      71375mmm or

    9. If the results of running cfgmgr in step 6 resulted in detecting the 7137 at a new SCSI target address, follow the steps in:
      7137 Setup and Operator's Guide
      Chapter 5, Configuring the 7137 Disk Array
      Setting the Unit SCSI Address
      to change the 7137 SCSI target address back to its original setting. This is the target address recorded in step 2.

    10. Run configuration manager. This will recover the 7137 back to its original configuration.


    11. If the address of the 7137 had been changed, the configuration should be cleaned up. The temporary address of the 7137 will have created hdisk<x> resources that are no longer there. Use the following command to remove all extraneous disk resources created from running the microcode download procedure above.

      rmdev -dl hdisk<x>

      where 'x' is an associated resource that needs to be deleted.

    12. Run the following command again to verify the configuration matches the original configuration before this procedure was run.

      lsdev -Cc disk

    The procedure is now complete. The 7137 may require that the file systems contained on it be varied on, fsck'd, and mounted to complete the system(s) recovery depending on the failure mode and the initial controller fault.

    End Of Procedure

    HP Systems Control Card Installation Instruction

    HP-UX 10.x Instruction

    1. Power up the system.

    2. Log on to the system as root

    3. Change directory

      cd /usr/ibm7137

    4. Copy the 7137 microcode from the supplied diskette to your system directory using the following command:
      tar -xvf <floppy_device_special_name> 63e00014.wb
      or see Appendix A. "Microcode via Internet Access" for methods of obtaining the microcode from the internet.

    5. Run the following but do not reboot.


    6. If the 7137 is attached through an HP-HSC adapter go to step 17.

    7. If the 7137 is attached through an HP-PB adapter continue with the following steps.

    8. Display the contents of

      Look for any entries for the 7137 that is failing.

      Record the 7137's hardware address, for example 56/40.3.0 where 56/40 is the adapter, 3 is the 7137's scsi target id, and 0 is the 7137's scsi lun id. We always want to use lun 0.

    9. Change directory

      cd /stand/build

    10. Execute

      /usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep -s system

    11. Modify the 'system' file

      vi system

      At the end of the file add the 7137's hardware address. From the above example "driver 56/40.3.0 spt" would be added to the file, where 56/40.3.0 is the example 7137 hardware address.

    12. Execute

      /usr/sbin/config -s system

    13. Execute

      make -f config.mk

    14. Execute

      cp vmunix_test ../vmunix

    15. Execute

      cp system ..

    16. Change directory to root

      cd /

    17. Now reboot the system

      shutdown -r -y

    18. After the system comes back up, execute

      cd /usr/ibm7137

    19. Execute


      Download 63e00014.wb microcode to the 7137. For help reference:

      7137 HP System Attachment Guide, SA21-9648-04 or later
      Part 4. Appendixes
      Appendix B. 7137 Disk Array Microcode Download
      At this point, the 7137 should be ready and show a normal display:
      B000 or
      B0005mmm or
      71375mmm or
      Also, if the 7137 is RAID 5 protected, disk activity will start and continue for about one hour; this is normal.

    20. Reboot the system.

      shutdown -r -y

    HP-UX 9.04

    For HP-UX 9.04 perform the following steps to update the 7137 microcode.

    1. Power up the system.

    2. Change directory to:


    3. Copy the 7137 microcode from the supplied diskette to your system directory using the following command:

      tar -xvf <floppy_device_special_name> 63e00014.wb

      or see Appendix A. "Microcode via Internet Access" for methods of obtaining the microcode from the internet.

    4. Determine the hardware address of the 7137:
      ioscan -f
      for example 56/40/8.1.0 where the numbers before the "/"s are bus converters.

    5. Execute the following but do not reboot.


    6. Manually update the kernel. You will need the hardware address of the 7137 from step 4 to update the S800 file.

    7. Change directory

      cd /etc/conf/gen

    8. Execute:

      vi S800.7137dnld

    9. Go to the bottom and find the io tree.
         io {

    10. You will need to add a bus_converter line for each bus converter in the hardware address. You would add the following for hardware address 56/40/8.1.0 . Modify the following commands to fit your 7137's hardware address.
         io {
         bus_converter address 56 {
           bus_converter address 40 {
             scsi3 address 8 {     /* scsi3 40 */
               target address 1 {  /* ibm7137 */
                spt address 0;     /* ibm7137 */
               }                   /* ibm7137 */

      The target address is the 7137's target address and the spt address is the lun address. 7137dnld.prp will update the kernel files for spt, but will not add the io tree. Some systems, ie. G class systems, will not have bus-converter address entries.

    11. Execute

      mv S800 S800.org

    12. Execute

      mv S800.7137dnld S800

    13. Execute

      uxgen S800

    14. You should get the following messages,

      Compiling conf.c ...

      Loading hp-ux...

      uxgen has created a new kernel, hp-ux, and put it in /etc/conf/S800

    15. Execute

      mv S800.org S800

    16. Execute

      cd ../S800

    17. Execute

      mv hp-ux /

    18. Reboot the system.

      shutdown -r -y

    19. Change directory

      cd /usr/ibm7137

    20. Execute and quit it.


    21. Display the contents of


      for an entry for the failing 7137. There will be a device special file listed like


      record the number.

    22. Execute

      /usr/ibm7137/800dnld 4 c /usr/ibm7137/63e00014.wb

      where 4 is the device special file and /usr/ibm7137/63e00014.wb is the controller microcode file.

    23. At this point, the 7137 should be ready and show a normal display:
      B000 or
      B0005mmm or
      71375mmm or
      Also, if the 7137 is RAID 5 protected, disk activity will start and continue for about one hour; this is normal.

    24. Reboot the system.

      shutdown -r -y

    End Of Procedure

    SUN Systems Control Card Installation Instruction

    1. After new controller card has been installed, the system must be rebooted. If your system is still powered on, reboot the system with the command:

      reboot -- -r

      command or shutdown and reboot the system with the command:

      boot -r

    2. Log on to the Sun System as root.

    3. Obtaining the necessary code for the 7137 Control Card:
      If your Sun System does have a diskette drive, go to step 4
      If your Sun System has Internal Network Access, go to step 10
      If your Sun System has IBM Software Service Access, go to step 16

    4. Insert the 7137 controller update diskette into the diskette drive, and enter the following command to enable use of the diskette drive:


    5. Change directory:

      cd /tmp

    6. Execute:

      tar -xvf /vol/dev/rdiskette0/unlabeled ibm7137ud.image.Z

      Where /vol/dev/rdiskette0/unlabeled is the device special file name for the diskette drive.

    7. Execute:

      uncompress ibm7137ud.image.Z

    8. Enter the following command to start the package add:

      pkgadd -d /tmp/ibm7137ud.image ibm7137ud

    9. The package add utility will create the /usr/7137ctlr directory and add the following files:

      When the package add utility completes, it will post the message: "Installation of <ibm7137ud> was successful.". Exit the package and continue with the step 18.

    10. If the Sun System has an internal network access to another system with a diskette drive attached, use the following commands to create an image copy of the ibm7137ud package and add it to the Sun System that is attached to the 7137 Disk Array that needs the controller microcode update.

    11. On the system with the diskette drive attached, complete step 2 and 4 to enable the use of the diskette drive.

    12. On the system with the diskette drive attached, enter the following command to copy an image of the ibm7137ud package to a temporary file:


      cd /tmp

      tar -xvf /vol/dev/rdiskette0/unlabeled ibm7137ud.image.Z

      Where /vol/dev/rdiskette0/unlabeled is the device special file name for the diskette drive.

    13. Transfer the ibm7137ud.image.Z file from the system with the diskette drive to the /tmp directory on the Sun System you are attaching the 7137 Disk Array and uncompress the file:

      uncompress ibm7137ud.image.Z

    14. From the Sun System that is attached to the 7137 Disk Array that needs the controller microcode update, enter the following command to add the ibm7137ud package:

      pkgadd -d /tmp/ibm7137ud.image ibm7137ud

      The package add utility will create the /usr/7137ctlr directory and add the files listed in step 9.

    15. Continue with step 18.

    16. If you have internet access, you can download an image copy of the package, ibm7137ud.image.Z, from the internet. See Appendix A. "Microcode via Internet Access" for methods of obtaining the package.

    17. From the Sun System that is attached to the 7137 Disk Array that needs the controller microcode update, enter the following command to add the ibm7137ud package:

      uncompress ibm7137ud.image.Z

      pkgadd -d /tmp/ibm7137ud.image ibm7137ud

      The package add utility will create the /usr/7137ctlr directory and add the files listed in step 9.

    18. The 7137 Disk Array update package installed in the /usr/7137ctlr directory includes the 7137 controller microcode update script 7137ctlr.sun and executable files to provide 7137 microcode download capability.

      Use the following steps to run the 7137 Disk Array controller microcode update utility:

    19. Change to the /usr/7137ctlr directory and enter the following command to execute the shell script to start the 7137 microcode update utility:


    20. The script will identify all 7137 Disk Array Subsystems attached to the Sun System, and prompt you to select the 7137 you want to work with.

      Note: This can take a few minutes.

      Select the number associated with the 7137 Disk Array you want to update the controller microcode. When selected the system will update the controller microcode from file, 63e00014.wb.

      Also, if the 7137 is RAID 5 protected, disk activity will start and continue for about one hour; this is normal.

    21. The microcode update utility will return a "Controller update complete" message and the 7137 operator panel will display
      B000 or
      B0005mmm or
      71375mmm or
      when the microcode has successfully been updated. (Where the mmm is the 7137 model number.)

    22. When the microcode update utility has completed, reboot the system with the
      reboot -- -r
      shutdown and reboot the system with the
      boot -r

      When the system reboots, the system administrator may have to restore files from backup or fsck the file systems depending upon the System run conditions at the time the controller card failure.

    23. When the 7137 controller microcode has been successfully updated, enter the following command to remove the 7137 controller update package from the system:

      pkgrm ibm7137ud

    Appendix A. Microcode via Internet Access

    Microcode Via a Web Browser

    1. If you have a Web browser, connect to the following location:


    2. For RS/6000 systems, copy files:




      to your /usr/lpp/7137 directory

    3. For HP systems, copy file:


      to your /usr/ibm7137 directory

    4. For Sun systems, copy the compressed package image:


      to your /tmp directory

    Microcode Via FTP

    To download the microcode from the ftp site, use the following steps:

    1. Access the IBM Software Service Server with the following ftp command:

      ftp ftp.software.ibm.com

    2. Log in as anonymous.

    3. Enter your E-mail address for the password. Example:


    4. Change to the directory that contains the files with the following command:

      cd /aix/fixes/open_attach/ibm7137/URCB570

    5. Change to binary mode with the command:


    6. For RS/6000 systems, use the following commands to copy files to the /usr/lpp/7137 directory:

      get 6000dnld

      get 63e00014.wb

    7. For HP systems, use the following command to copy files to the /usr/ibm7137 directory:

      get 63e00014.wb

    8. For Sun systems, use the following command to copy the compressed files to the /tmp directory:

      get ibm7137ud.image.Z

    9. Quit the ftp connection.