# /****************************************************************************/ # /****************************************************************************/ # /** **/ # /** IBM 7137 DISK ARRAY SUBSYSTEM - IBM RISC System/6000 SUB DIRECTORY **/ # /** **/ # /** This README.txt file provides a short description of the information **/ # /** found in the IBM RISC System/6000 attachment directory. **/ # /** **/ # /** Information found in this sub directories is subject to: **/ # /** **/ # /** Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994, 1996 **/ # /** Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM, All Rights Reserved. **/ # /** **/ # /** Note to US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, **/ # /** or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. **/ # /** **/ # /****************************************************************************/ # /****************************************************************************/ # Sub Directory Content: 21H4288.tar tar file for Version 5.0 of the "IBM RISC System/6000, 7137/3514 Disk Array Subsystem Install Diskette", part number 21H4288. See the "IBM 7137 Disk Array Subsystem, RISC System/6000 System Attachment Guide SA21-9630" for install the software to a RISC System/6000. # Updates: # /----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Nov 12, 1995 21H4288.tar. Version 5.0 of the "IBM RISC System/6000, 7137/3514 Disk Array Subsystem Install Diskette" replaced 21H4192.tar. 7137dnld.ibm microcode download script replaced the codedwnld version, and the setqdepth program was changed to fix a bug in arrayinst.